After I Showed Up For Court LA Sheriffs File Case AND DON’T NOTIFY ME

After I Showed Up For Court LA Sheriffs File Case AND DON’T NOTIFY ME

Them cocksuckers were supposed to let me KNOW that they filed my case which was the 15th but they filed it two days AFTER I had showed up, which was the 17th (Bas-TARDS filed on the 19th, a full fledged 5 FUCKING DAYS WHEN THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FILED). I am quite certain when I do my due dilligence in legal research on it (which I will keep everyone posted on), I COULD GET THE CHARGES DROPPED THROUGH A LEGAL LOOPHOLE!. That said, though I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THEY HAVE TO MAIL YOU A NOTICE IF YOU

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Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Thieme’s Wife Calls Me A Nigger

Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Thieme’s Wife Calls Me A Nigger

I believe this her ass: my intuitive senses tells me it is: THAT SAID, PEOPLE WHO FUCK WITH ME RUN INTO ME FOR REASON! I am realizing I am MEANT TO BE PEOPLE’S KARMA, THEIR MA’AT! I notice when certain people be doing bad shit to people and run into me, THEIR LIFE GOES DOWNHILL PRETTY FUCKING QUICKLY AFTERWARDS. Take the artist loft situation: I noticed the girl hadn’t posted IN MONTHS! Before I arrived at that place, touched foot their, they were fucking over people. Then they ran into me, fucked over me. End result: They got kicked out

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Roasting Deputy Thieme TRUE Spiritual Evolution And Talk on Archon Controlled Spiritual Workers

Roasting Deputy Thieme TRUE Spiritual Evolution And Talk on Archon Controlled Spiritual Workers

In this video you can hear me roasting Deputy Thieme who I wrote about, here, lol: …And how the paths we take in life are already in many ways pre determined and are already in place and designed to help us BECOME the individuals we are supposed to be and fullfill the roles we are supposed to as per our soul contract. I talk about it, here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30868″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also discuss rising above the pettiness brought upon by shallow so called “spiritual” workers who are working under archons!

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