The Fifth Element Film Reveals Christ The Redeemer Will Be A Black Woman

The Fifth Element Film Reveals Christ The Redeemer Will Be A Black Woman

Decoding the occultic meaning behind “The Fifth Element”… Where do I begin… Anyways, now that I am older and much more knowledgeable in the occult, let me go ahead and explore the MOST OBVIOUS SYMBOLISMS: Her body was enwrapped in a tomb – much like in ancient Egypt – which was guarded by a bronze sarcophagus who are known as guardians and protectors in ancient Egypt: And, the most notable… THE “FIFTH ELEMENT” BEING WOMBAN = PENTAGRAM: I have always said that the pentagram represents the Womb-an, the Fifth Element and the allusion to this female – funny they get

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Exposing The Reptilian Gangstalking and Hivemind of Hellyweird

Exposing The Reptilian Gangstalking and Hivemind of Hellyweird

Look at this ugly black BITCH: IT’S name is Maya Roseman (Obviously she married to a KHAZARIAN KIKKKE JEW – one of those natural hair obsessed SELF HATERS) who works at – among all others – Sony Pictures! Anyways I’m outing this BITCH cause the HELL-LIE-weird gangstalking is REAL AND IS IN FULL EFFECT (I caught this BITCH connecting ITSELF to my linkedin profile to which I promptly BLOCKED AS I DO WITH ANYBODY-THING ASSOCIATED WITH THAT INdustry). I believe this mk ultra young lady – Thalia Buitron – is the one putting all my shit OUT to these people

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