The Eye of Ra Staring At Me

The Eye of Ra Staring At Me

::UPDATE: AT FIRST I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE HAND OF GOD! NOW I REALISE IT IS THE EYE OF RA WHICH HAS BEEN FOLLOWING ME:: – It may be because of my tattoo which is acting as a portal which I need to change (to keep the reps at bay and away from me)! Look at the cloud in the distance: IS THIS THE FIST OF GOD (::update: Look like two wheel spokes::): At one point, I see a “face” in the clouds. Could it be the Face of God? (::update: Shit look like Kung Lao::) This looks like a

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Someone Posting Sigils In The Restroom of the LAPD Wilshire Station

Someone Posting Sigils In The Restroom of the LAPD Wilshire Station

Looka this shit here: Here a video so people CAN SEE it was in fact in the police station: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29392″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] LOL! Somebody done posted a mofo sigil in the restroom of the LAPD community police station. Anyways… as someone who has dealt in the occult at one time (Satanism for a hot brief minute cause of money issues) I can recognize that shit from anywhere: Here is a thaumaturgic triangle which – via certain methods, is used to summon up demons: And you wonder why Alcoholics Anonymous has a high relapse rate!

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