This Is Why You Can’t Do Spiritual Work For Everybody

This Is Why You Can’t Do Spiritual Work For Everybody

ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU GOT YOUR OWN SHIT TO DEAL WITH CONCERNING SPIRITUAL WARFARE COMING FROM THE LAPD WHOSE CORRUPTION AND POSSIBLE SPIRITUAL ATTACKS I AM DEALING WITH NOW: You can also read HERE for a more extensive insight into it: Anywayz, here is the SHIT I been going thru OVER THE COURSE OF A WEEK (and even now) trying to SELFLESSLY and free of charge help a mofo who wasn’t being upfront with me FROM THE JUMP WHILE BATTLING WITH MY OWN SHIT: Thank goodness I am a HANDYWOMAN: RIGHT after trying to do a prayer to Archangel

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LAPD Helicopter Flying Overhead BECAUSE I EXPOSED EM

LAPD Helicopter Flying Overhead BECAUSE I EXPOSED EM

This is crazy: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29440″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] As you can hear below, THEY HAD NO BUSINESS BEING ON MASSELIN AND 6TH! They were supposed to be on HAUSER AND WILSHIRE CAUSE OF A ROBBERY TAKING PLACE: Now they stalking me in parking lots, too, lol: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29443″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This all happened after I exposed them for their crookedness here: AND exposed them for trying to remove SAID EVIDENCE OF CROOKEDNESS HERE FROM THE ENTIRE SYSTEM: I get the sense things are about to get interesting in the next few

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The L.A. Times Created LAPD To Suppress Left Wing Activist Groups

The L.A. Times Created LAPD To Suppress Left Wing Activist Groups

Watch here (I am NOT surprised): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29429″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Basically, as can be seen in these screenshots below: LAPD was started to suppress labor unions, etc. and any other leftist mostly progressive movement under the guidance of original L.A. Times publisher, Harry Chandler: Much like the illuminati, I believe they even D STAGED AKA FAKED THIS 1910 BOMBING JUST SO THEY CAN GO AFTER LABOR UNIONS (you can read more about it HERE): This reminds me of another “terroristic attack” orchestrated by the very same people – the U.S. government – who claimed they

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The TRUE Meaning of Real Femininity

The TRUE Meaning of Real Femininity

Fuck that old outdated, misogynist definition of femininity. In this video below, I explain what TRUE FEMININITY IS which means connection to the Divine Source, the Divine Source Creator who is female and the Spirit Realm, hence why we as WOMBAN are known for our “intuitive powers”: > Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29424″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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A Fairy Landed On My Face

A Fairy Landed On My Face

I noticed this coming from one of my videos I posted up yesterday and here below is the screenshot…   I can’t believe how RICH my supernatura life is. Even other spirit workers I know and have seen from what I can tell don’t have the wide berth of experiences  I have… This is sheer proof I havepsychic abilities for any doubters out there! The Fae or “the little people” don’t just come to anyone…

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The Illuminati Trying To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist

The Illuminati Trying To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist

  I did a blog article a while back in which I made the correlation that the film, “The 5th Element”, revealed that Jesus aka Christ the Reedemer will be a womban as discussed here: That said, these illuminati/freemason (WHO I HATE CAUSE THEY ARE TRULY EVIL) mofos along with some elusive “senator” bitch who has been “following” me (I know why, bitch) for quite some time are trying to recruit me (by spiritually causing all these traumatizing things such as here: to happen) for evil and I won’t let it happen … Here is why: Buy vid

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Jericho 2006 TV Series Reveals U.S. Government Staged Terrorist Attacks To Bring Armageddon

Jericho 2006 TV Series Reveals U.S. Government Staged Terrorist Attacks To Bring Armageddon

When I attended a sex workers’ rights conference in 2006, a sex worker/ speaker that George W. Bush (The U.S. President at the time) and the U.S. government were planning to bring Armageddon to the planet… And she was right as revealed by this 2006 tv series (that went defunct ostensibly due to “poor ratings”) “Jericho”: Nevermind the fact it starred hot Skeet Ulrich: Let’s look at another picture: Alright, let’s talk about the tv series: Basically it takes place in a post apocalyptic America in which the U.S. government itself as later found out took it upon itself

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The Video Youtube BANNED: Tarot Card Reading Showing Seth Rich IS NOT DEAD

The Video Youtube BANNED: Tarot Card Reading Showing Seth Rich IS NOT DEAD

A while back Youtube (prudetube in this case) banned this video down below for showing “nudity”… > Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29416″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Yet they got this on their channel network: Hell, in the past I’ve shown my breasts (which are not sexual to me – fuck I get no feelings out of em) on Youtube plenty of times along with plenty of others… Personally I think it’s a problem with THE TRUTH, NOT WITH BOOBS (THAT OLE SILLY SHIT)! Anyways, here is why… Look at his family: WHO DA FUCK GONNA LAUGH WHEN THEY CHILD IS DEAD???

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