Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

  Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28896″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed that, right after the Bank of America incident, which you can see right here, I have had a second encounter with the LAPD in which numerous times the PD officer on the scene, Officer Goldberg (badge No. 36672) told me that: 1) They showed up for a naked lady (nasty ass) 2) That he was going to call the Department of Transportation to render me a ticket (LAPD is authorized to do that themselves) 3) He claims I believe that he got a call from a civilian yet my

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When Female Toplessness Collides with Rape Culture

When Female Toplessness Collides with Rape Culture

A while back, a couple of weeks ago, I was sexually harassed by “Luke” here which you can see in the pictures and video below:   – Of Vortex Industries (3198 Airport Loop Drive # M, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, Phone: (714) 434-8000, Basically, what happened was, while I was sitting down, topless, and minding my own business, this BITCH came along and tried to brush his hand near my breasts (didn’t touch it, but almost) in defiance of pc 243.3 which is the penal code for sexual battery. Then this mofo, after doing it and saying, “Ooooh”, while staring at my breasts,

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Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Here is the image of Officer Richey, possible SEXUAL PREDATOR, leering down at my breasts while stopping me, saying it is “offensive” what I did but he is not being offensive for STARING AT MY BREASTS, which is what you can see in the picture down below:  All these bitches ought to be LOCKED UP for what they did to me… Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”28809″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on this issue up above… (Notice that at 10:58 in the tape, he starts asking me about my gender, whether I was born a “male or a female”.

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I Walked Around a Park Topless and Female

I Walked Around a Park Topless and Female

Yesterday…as you can see here: I walked around a national park, actually a state park I believe: TOPLESS! I walked around for a little bit, to the rest room and away from it! Now, when you look at the video: THERE WILL BE FULL BLOWN NUDITY! But that is okay as the message I am trying to get is that the nude human body, especially the nude FEMALE human body should not be made a big deal of; it is human and yes, it contributes to our reproductive cycle, too but it also allows us to contribute to the daily

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Now, What Is So Sexual about MY BREASTS

Now, What Is So Sexual about MY BREASTS

(Unwanted sexualization of the breasts MUST GO!!) I wanna start off by saying…being topless is such a liberating and freeing experience, freeing! Never in my whole life have I felt open to other people more than when I am topless: Oh, and here are a couple of more that are actually “pasties” but, still topless – if somewhat: Again, I have never felt freer when talking to people, etc. interacting with folks THEN WHEN I AM TOPLESS! The things is, the thing I like about it the most is – aside from freeing me from MOST sexual harassment (I get

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Female Toplessness in Public is Legal in California

Female Toplessness in Public is Legal in California

Now, a while back, I did a video exposing the Inglewood PD for their HYPOCRISY in their unjust attempt to try to jail me for wearing “pasties” in public! I was told by a female sgt. whose name escapes me in the police station (when I went to file a police report for urine soaked chicken wings at the Church’s chicken on 1500 N. La Brea Blvd in Inglewood) that she was going to jail me for 314.1 of the penal code for wearing PASTIES in public all because I titillated her male co workers – I know it wasn’t

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LAPD Called on Me For Walking Around Topless by Irate Neighbor

LAPD Called on Me For Walking Around Topless by Irate Neighbor

Anyways, in this goodie but oldie (well, not that old, circa 2014 last month, actually, two months ago!!) I had my first taste of having the po po called on me in the form of an irate neighbor of mine – who you will see in the tape – calling the police on me for **wait for it** WEARING PASTIES! Ain’t that insane! I hit the pleasure chest the day before (awesome store btw) to get em! Here is what happened: The two officers who I met, Officer Kouvelis (who is quite cute and nice btw 😉 I even gave

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My Experience being Female and Topless in L.A.

My Experience being Female and Topless in L.A.

Here, in this video, as you shall see (and hear) here: I walked around topless in L.A. that day 3/16/2014. I also talked about it in another video, here: After my experience of being arrested by what I presume to be two racist cops, Ofcrs. Morrow (badge No. 38519) and Noble (badge No. 36691). In my experiences, not ONCE was I street harassed (I had people gawking and staring, but seeing a womyn topless in L.A. is an unusual sight indeed), not once was I TOUCHED (I usually get these reactions when I am COVERED, not when I am topless)

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