Do Not Think That I Am Going Shirtless For Your Sexual Desires Or Else I’ll Make You Regret It

Do Not Think That I Am Going Shirtless For Your Sexual Desires Or Else I’ll Make You Regret It

I heard a gangstalker – not these two simpletons…. Say, “Why she gotta have her breasts out?” like that has anything to do with you! Just mind your fucking business and keep it fucking moving! – You can hear the cat – a female – in the video all throughout agreeing with me! She know I’m right 👍🏻 It’s sick that we live in a world that should not be where men are allowed to control what women wear cause they don’t wanna control themselves! IT’S SICK! When I first came around here I had to start fighting mofos cause

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Fruit Vendor On Landside of PCH Takes Pics Videos of Me And Young Girls And Shows To Male Clients

Fruit Vendor On Landside of PCH Takes Pics Videos of Me And Young Girls And Shows To Male Clients

****Update**** Just today this mofo posted his sign – ordinarily it’s by the rv next to me – wayyyy past me so he can make it look like he innocent but I know wtf is up and he didn’t have that mofo by there yesterday – plus it is a bad spot to gain visibility to acquire customers…..   Caught this mofo walking away just as I peeped him walking around my fucking minivan…..   I have caught this mofo on a coupla occassions taking pics and vids of me and other young girls at the beach – in some

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Ladies Next Time A Man Calls You A Thot Say Thank You

Ladies Next Time A Man Calls You A Thot Say Thank You

Here’s why… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29298″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I won’t say too much but I will just leave this KNOWLEDGE right here: I will also say this: the illuminati will pervert, EXPLOIT AND USE THE POWER OF OUR ANCESTORS – OUR GODS – such as in the case of THOTH by dropping the “h” in the end of His Name and perverting the bastardized version to be an insult against women to create gender inequality and further their agenda such as Their Version of The New World Order! Yeah, I know, the ad is “THOTH” like but

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Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

::BREAKING:: THIS GUY IS A FUCKING STALKER! His obsession with seeing me “topless” combined with obsessing over telling me that it is not “socially acceptable” for me to be topless COMBINED with him knowing I went to the eyecare place on Monday and Thursday of this week shows he is a STALKER and possible rapist who is obsessed with policing what I do with my own body as well as imposing gender norms on me and has been stalking me so he can figure out one day when is the right time to attack and put my “feminist, string willed”

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We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Here is the image of Officer Richey, possible SEXUAL PREDATOR, leering down at my breasts while stopping me, saying it is “offensive” what I did but he is not being offensive for STARING AT MY BREASTS, which is what you can see in the picture down below:  All these bitches ought to be LOCKED UP for what they did to me… Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”28809″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on this issue up above… (Notice that at 10:58 in the tape, he starts asking me about my gender, whether I was born a “male or a female”.

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I Walked Around a Park Topless and Female

I Walked Around a Park Topless and Female

Yesterday…as you can see here: I walked around a national park, actually a state park I believe: TOPLESS! I walked around for a little bit, to the rest room and away from it! Now, when you look at the video: THERE WILL BE FULL BLOWN NUDITY! But that is okay as the message I am trying to get is that the nude human body, especially the nude FEMALE human body should not be made a big deal of; it is human and yes, it contributes to our reproductive cycle, too but it also allows us to contribute to the daily

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Madonna and Her Bandage Draped Dress

Madonna and Her Bandage Draped Dress

Isn’t this a damn shame: Well, Madonna wanted to go in this “outfit”: what is so obscene about the breasts, you say! Why is it that Anne Wintour of the Metropolitan Museum Of Art decides that this is “obscene”? Yes, I am quite certain for a gala of that calibre (one that takes precedence with rick folk, especially the rich and the snooty) walking in with ANY sort of bare chest – even male – would be “offensive”, dare say? However, in this case, it was unanimously and paciferously slammed for her being female and baring breast: why?   That

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