Sexually And Called Nigger By Arab Fruit Seller

Sexually Attacked And Called Nigger By Arab Fruit Seller

When he first came around here the first thing he did was call me nigger: Putting A Virgin Raping Sand Nigger Fruit Seller Who Called Me A Slut In His Place And during the attack he referred to me as “just a nigger” when a white lady – a gangstalker I recognize – who was also throwing rocks at me told him wtf he was doing when he did what he did to me: Let me tell happened: I got possessed again through another alcohol urge attack caused by an entity attachment latched on to the right side of my

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Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me

Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me

It was hard to get thru this video without crying….. All the feelings, emotions of powerlessness – it’s how many rape victims feel – is torturous and I’ve been tortured with these feelings for weeks cause of inertia, inaction here….. Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation There’s more to the story and I had to do deep meditation, obsessing to get there: YOU KNOW WHAT – I KEPT MULLING OVER THE MEMORY OF WHAT HAPPENED A COUPLA WEEKS AGO WHEN

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Nasty Ass Sexual Predator Parks Right Behind Me To Masturbate And I Run His Ass OFF

Nasty Ass Sexual Predator Parks Right Behind Me To Masturbate And I Run His Ass OFF

He look JUST LIKE this other sexual predator here. Just like him…. Actor Toby Bronson Shoots At Black Woman He Sexually Harassed THERE IS A REASON why I do what I do…. I Know What The Fuck You Doin’ Motherfucker Or like this mofo here from yesterday…..   He another one…. saw him around here twice and saw him looking into my vehicle…… That being said, this mofo a sociopath rapist!   Listen to how he dehumanizes me based on my marginalized status and cause I am an outcast, misunderstood, seen as “weird.” I saw his ass outside my car

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I Believe I Found My Rapist Named Fyetice On Instagram

I Believe I Found My Rapist Named Fyetice aka Eric Tice On Instagram

This looks JUST like him face and all….. That caption says it all…. ⛓??‍♂️? That said, based on the looks, contour of the face – complete degradation, denial of a person’s humanity based on their station in life along with the sociopathic glib remark of stating he “prays for me” while degrading me for how I choose to live – that’s him! I believe it’s him! Sociopaths talk that way and tho. drunk he struck me as a sociopath that night. I don’t want to go into details but read this to understand what is going on…. Chasing My

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I think it is a lot worse, not to say rape is not bad enough: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29164″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, what happened was I saw that young man traversing back and forth and back and forth and next thing I knew he was on my lawn. Before THAT, he nearly rolled up on me from behind while I was walking and next thing I knew, he was not far behind and out of the blue he moved away from behind me, said that he was “sorry,” and that is when I looked back and noted

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Stalked And Raped By A “Shushing” Entity That Hangs Outside My Window

Stalked And Raped By A “Shushing” Entity That Hangs Outside My Window

THIS JUST IN THAT FUCKING SHUSHING ENTITY IS A FUCKING REPTILIAN OR NAGA SERPENT BEING (LOOK AT THE PICS BELOW TAKEN AT A NEIGHBOR’S WINDOW AROUND THE TIME I HEARD IT GO UP AGAIN WITH THAT SHUSH SHIT – I ALSO CAN’T HELP BUT NOTE IT SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN I WENT OUTSIDE):     It looks like this, don’t it: For those of you not familiar with naga serpents, here is some info take from wikipedia. Here is an alternate website’s view on em here:           I just got a missed fucking call but

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Attacked by Black Male Workers At The New Millennium Beauty and Barbershop 5320 Wilshire Blvd

Attacked by Black Male Workers At The New Millennium Beauty and Barbershop 5320 Wilshire Blvd

When I kept hinting at a “vandalism case”, here is what is going on:   Back in October, as you can see in the documents above, I was harassed by workers at the New Millennium Beauty and Barbershop on  5320 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 phone number 323-937-0568 for being topless in public and minding my own business. The “males” all black – decided to call me names and basically humiliate in a manner I know they would NEVER SUBJECT a white women too, almost with a fierceness and hatred as if they have to make me “bow down,” as if

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Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

::BREAKING:: THIS GUY IS A FUCKING STALKER! His obsession with seeing me “topless” combined with obsessing over telling me that it is not “socially acceptable” for me to be topless COMBINED with him knowing I went to the eyecare place on Monday and Thursday of this week shows he is a STALKER and possible rapist who is obsessed with policing what I do with my own body as well as imposing gender norms on me and has been stalking me so he can figure out one day when is the right time to attack and put my “feminist, string willed”

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Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Here is the image of Officer Richey, possible SEXUAL PREDATOR, leering down at my breasts while stopping me, saying it is “offensive” what I did but he is not being offensive for STARING AT MY BREASTS, which is what you can see in the picture down below:  All these bitches ought to be LOCKED UP for what they did to me… Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”28809″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on this issue up above… (Notice that at 10:58 in the tape, he starts asking me about my gender, whether I was born a “male or a female”.

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