Beelzebub Created Doppleganger Continues To Try To Possess Me

Archon Beelzebub Created Doppleganger Continues To Try To Possess Me

You can see in that article thumbnail they subliminally try to manipulate me. They do it to all of us. My intuition has been validated: as I intuitively knew all along Beelzebub’s an archon: From a book on archons in pdf….. – Explains my alkie-hole, overindulgence urges….. Now this makes sense….. The dick symbols I been seeing makes sense now along with this and this….. Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude I see that ‘woke got that nigger mayate going crazy. Enjoy the nightmares…. and the demons you been sacrificed to, you rapist nigger.

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My Brother Comes To Let Me Know He Okay And Defeating The Demon

Whew…. Whata night! Early this morning…. at about 2am, I awoke to hearing a dude recap a story about fucking me up, etc. Before I could get to they ass, they drove off in a beemer. That “yahken” dude drives one. Wonder if it was him? That said, I saw in my cards that they would try to do something to me overnight. So I flipped the switch and put ‘woke on him: commandered his mind and caused his car to run into a wall using my third eye. I then saw a tower moment for said peepole. Damn

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Beelzebub Pays Me A Gynecological Visit So That My Period Blood Cycle Will Sync With The Solar Eclipse of 2017

– A vagina is an UGLY LOOKING FUCKING THANG! I’m sorry! My mom used to say that too. – Also seeing that solar eclipse reminds me of how folks talk of the old sun also known as the black sun or saturn aka satan that used to be our sun till some shit happened: It makes you think on the more mystical precepts behind this shit! This an old one but I recall a time when that motherfucker tried to influence me into thinking he is good – even allowing for my period to flow during the solar eclipse

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Beelzebub And The Avatar Matrix System And Hellish Astral Visions

Before I begin I’ve been having a weird series of astral visions where in one case I caught my brother fleeing home cause of all the demons harassing him and me asking my mother “Why, why are they fucking with him (and not even me so much)?” Then I was in a homeless shelter in Malibu with Aarona who seemed like she was trying to copy me down to the naked shit and everything and then I had a gay experience with a lady who already had a lady (I’ve seen em in real life – maybe one of the

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Astral Vision About Serial Killer Rapist In Malibu

I had a weird astral vision last night – I call em astral visions cause I don’t think they are but my astral projections sure seem similar – After pimping some wetbucks for parking illegally (and being illegals too) I had a dream…. In the dream – really astral vision – I was sleeping in my car. It was mad vivid. I then sought shelter in this house where a dude who I have seen before in the astral, but usually in the not so clear darker realms (I could make him out but not so well), was in it,

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