Blacks Who Associate With Wetbacks Take On Their Demon Seed Energy

Blacks Who Associate With Wetbacks Take On Their Demon Seed Energy

That’s why I keep my distance! ICE ICE baby! YEAHHHH! I saw what I said here: Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me Here (looka how he capes for wetbacks as they talk shit on us as we call em out): Calling Out Self Hating Kneegroes Who Defend Wetbacks Who Attack Other Blacks And the other night, here: I find that, like in these two cases, blacks who associate deeply with wetbacks take on their demonic satanic saturnian energy signature as can be explained here: Mexicans and South Americans Resonate

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I Think I Am FINALLY About To Rid Myself of Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub And How To Do It

I Think I Am FINALLY About To Rid Myself of Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub And How To Do It

While drawing this here….. I noted this all seeing REPTILIAN eye that stayed even well into the final version: Not just that I see a woman trapped in his belly with a reptilian connected to the side of her mouth which is the cause of my urges…. Damn! No wonder they say the belly of the beast! This connotes to the fact that a reptilian sent this mofo my way….. It goes back to how they put a stranglehold on my money to force me into satanism and then…. to that! THAT was the creature that I would hear making

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Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

Black Eyed Biden Tells CHILD On Tape That He Wants To Use Her In A Porno

To go to show you what type of sick fucks are in office her “dad”, Senator Coons, defends Biden (he ain’t no real man!): Looka that fam’s fake mk ultra smiles…. Here is a full compilation of him touching lil girls AND boys and ANY FUCKING BODY – literally! When Pizzagate came out which was the issue in which emails showed poliTRICKians raping kids in code which I covered here….. Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures And so did this site (they censored em online)….. As a matter

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How The Demiurge Uses Archon Possessed People To Stop You From Ascending

How The Demiurge Uses Archon Possessed People To Stop You From Ascending

Many of the things I talk of here took place before this….. Moving Closer To Defeating The Demiurge I Defeated The Demiurge AND after I resolved (just this past Sunday) my long time issue with a possessing entity that was in my right side as I spoke of here….. Your PERSONality Keeps You Stuck In The Matrix That said YOU MUST be careful who you let into your personal zone…..   You can see him here scratching himself due to his meth addiction ?? As you can see in the videos above and the one below this fucker was EXTREMELY

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Don’t Let Toxic People Be Around Your Light

Don’t Let Toxic People Be Around Your Light

Someone need to do something about this girl in this rv’s dog here…..   Everytime someone passes that violent ass dog be ready to attack and sometimes his ass ain’t on a leash posing a health hazard…. The other day I saw an angel appear on my window….. As I have said before beings have a way of manipulating 3D light and shadow to appear before us….. It also looks like a young lady wearing a jetpack….. Future visitor? Reminds me of this pic taken in the 70s of this time traveler who would not be able to get picked

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ANOTHER New Vision of My Being The Antichrist

ANOTHER New Vision of My Being The Antichrist

Looka these subliminals of a prostitute looking woman (she is actually portraying a famous rock star, famous like me) and the name Abaddon when searching “angel of destruction”: And look at what pops up when I look up “demon of destruction”…… Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream Spiritual Confirmation That I Am Abaddon Spiritree sure as hell said she saw a demon of destruction around me back in 2017……. This is so weird….. As I have been cleansing and removing – one by one – all sorts of entity attachments, personalities (or as Scientologists call “thetans”) and other things…..

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Don’t Be Fooled By Evil Entities…..

Don’t Be Fooled By Evil Entities…..

Since wetbacks are involved I must preface this post by saying: make sure to call ICE at 1-866-347-2423 to report their illegal asses (cause we all know they illegal) and operating in OUR country illegally ??? Here is a good example right here…..   Calling me all sorts of monkies (they were pulling that before I even got the shirt or calling them creatures wetbacks which is what set me off on despising and then discovering these demon seed’s true natures which I have revealed to the world) but pretending to be nice when I fight back. As I revealed

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The Significance of Mercury Retrograde In Venus Conjunct Jupiter Means YOU MUST GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER

The Significance of Mercury Retrograde In Venus Conjunct Jupiter Means YOU MUST GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER

  That said folks were right all along…. I DID have a possessing entity in me all this time. I believe it is either related to or IS this demonic archon skeleton “crossroads” demon that has been haunting me for a very loong time. It’s a shapeshifter. Now Spiritree said I had a zombified entity that was IN me and trying to possess me. I saw her yesterday when I asked my third eye to show me the “personality” causing my alcohol urges and when I removed the nigger bitch, I felt a literal energetic darkness leave my right side.

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My Aura Was Shining WHITE All Throughout This Video

My Aura Was Shining WHITE All Throughout This Video

You can see that shid changing all throughout…..   It was shining bright like a light ? But it don’t mean I won’t put a mofo in their place like this ole messy half wetback – half crakkka who I could hear with her OLD merry crew consisting of a faggot (I heard that honkkkey saying monkey out loud while talking with a dude) and the other lil skinny toi soi boi (dat his boyfriend?) talking about why she topless…..   Looka that ole nasty ass belly! I can read people like a fucking card. Bitch don’t come over here

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