Part 1 Part 2 I just got word that Alex Nacimento, the evil sadistic Puerto Rican entity that Baron Samedi
How To Defeat The Illuminati: Know Thy Names Yaldabaoth The Demiurge aka God And The Illuminati Real Name Is A G Symbol Interwoven With A Snake
– It’s pronounced, “YaldaBWATH!” ππ» Look at the first video at the top in which I talk about this: I got 333 which I sense represents union, a unity of us folks with Souls due to the message I am conveying here…. As is said in exorcisms, there is power in knowing the true name of your adversary……. The demiurge aka “god” is actually called Yaldabaoth: He goes by many names, including Quetzalcoatl who, like Yaldabaoth as shown in the old and new testaments required human sacrifice. They are also the creators of the wetbacks hence why I just totally
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