Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said I was on my Instagram, perusing and I happened to stumble

Squidward Entity Is A Past Life Holocaust Victim Forced By Reptilians To Hunt Past Life Nazis
Explains this….. I Finally Rescued My Brother From The Demon Reptilian Holding Him Hostage Twin Flames Are Archon Saboteurs Meant To Keep Soulled People Down And How To Break Free of Them This is why we need to break the matrix cause, as you will hear from that heartbreaking story, we are forced into cycles to feed the demiURGE aka Yaldabaoth loosh and keep his energy vampire empire running….. It’s a shame and I will try to help “squidward” move on….. http://www.trickedbythelight.com/tbtl/nde-transcript.html#demiurge
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