This is getting serious: I talked about it on my YouTube channel: Powered by youtube embed video generator That said,

Walmart Discriminates Against Topless Female but Lets Topless Male In and Torrance Police Called
This occurred at the Walmart in Torrance at: 22015 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503. Phone number (310) 750-0179 This one was EXTREMELY traumatic to go through; extremely! Despite the civil rights of act of 1964 saying that you can’t “treat people differently on the basis of race, GENDER, etc.” this STILL happens. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28801″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why my next game plan of action is to change the law whereas, you can NOT discriminate against a topless womyn for being topless just as “lacktivists” have made it so that you can’t discriminate against breastfeeding womyn breastfeeding in public. I
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