Man Says He Survived Obama Child Pedophile Snuff Film Rape Ring Hotdog Stand At Hula’s Bar In Waikiki Hawaii

Man Says He Survived Obama Child Pedophile Snuff Film Rape Ring Hotdog Stand At Hula’s Bar In Waikiki Hawaii

I call it “hotdog stand” cause according to pizzagate terminology hotdog stand refers to teenage boys (and “pasta” to young boys) with both referring to a young boy’s genitalia in their pertinent age groups which you can read here (Notice they got us going on these “far out” sites to find this with many more being deeply buried):   This is fucked up!!! And he implicates ALOT of people into it. ALOT!   He names 4011 Kaimuki Ave. as the site of a snuff film death house where homeless men prob. not unlike the poor young man here whom

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Reptilians Threatening Me In The Dreamscape For Not Being Recruited By Them

Reptilians Threatening Me In The Dreamscape For Not Being Recruited By Them

– What if our dreams are reptilian-archon created matrixes designed to keep us rooted in this carnal and cabal based system? After all, people who said they had lucid dreams say that unlike with astral projection dreams are more “staged” like the shit in them are put in place already and the people there are either created props designed by something or are unaware of what’s going on! Them mofos get real, real! When you go against their agenda or speak out against it! Okay, in the last lucid dream I had this morning – I recall something vaguely involving a

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Weird Phone Calls From A Reptilian Possessed Negro

Weird Phone Calls From A Reptilian Possessed Negro

Diss how that take-a-kneegrow look like ***********UPDATE************* They were actually coming from a DEMONICALLY POSSESSED NIGGER NAMED KEVIN TOLBERT whose number is here: From what he told me, he lives on 500 San Pedro St Los Angeles, CA 90007 You can listen to his voice and HOW HE RESPONDS HERE: And compare to the voice recordings below. He says he works at a mechanic shop in downtown L.A. This crazy nigger called me about had to have been about 15x in one day. It sounds like one. Here’s the weird series of phone calls I been getting (notice they make

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Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures

Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures

This was taken from the instagram account of Rachel Chandler, a known former child prostitute, pimp/handler and associate of “Lolita Island Express” pedophile Jerry Epstein. Here are the pics some folks at voat acquired here:   Here some disturbing shit found on her instagram which you can view here: And this bitch gotta kid: This was taken at the East Hamptoms Hospital PEDIATRIC WARD!!! Not the open legs on the purple rabbit which almost looks like genitalia, the pink female bunny bending over in impossible ways, like an extreme sexual position and the blue bunny up against the tree

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Weird Illuminati Freemason MK Ultra or Witchcraft Call

Weird Illuminati Freemason MK Ultra or Witchcraft Call

Here the recording: This was fucking weird! You can see he/she (listening to it I can’t tell WHAT it is) called at 4am, 4:07am to be approximate! As you can see up above, the person called from a private number (as if they got something to hide) and kept saying, “Caramel”, over and over… That said, if this were a prank, the person woulda kept calling and calling but they didn’t. That was the final and last call (at least for now). What do you all think? Someone trying to put a witch’s curse, some mk ultra sleeper “trigger” saying…?

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Reptilians Put A Death Curse On Me

Reptilians Put A Death Curse On Me

I recall after hearing a being in my car say in the jigsaw killer’s voice: “die” – I knew that what he said had to be true. They even came to a friend in another dream and used him as a conduit to threaten me. When I tried sending him a message, look at what happened (BARS WERE FULL before that!): He also told me he had a nightmare of them trying to steal my flourite since it protects ne and kidnapping my baby brother – Bryan – and holding him hostage in the astral. This mirrors what someone else

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MrE’s aka Mark Oliver Everett’s Channel Exposing Trannies Is A PsyOp

MrE’s aka Mark Oliver Everett’s Channel Exposing Trannies Is A PsyOp

I HATE TO SAY IT, BUT MrE AND MAG UGLY TRUTH MAYBE ON TO SOMETHING: Lookie here: THAT IS A FUCKING FEMALE – FTM!!! STRAIGHT UP FEMALE ALLL DAY EVERYDAY, LOL! Look at these vids here upclose and see how it us trying to be a woMAN: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”30056″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] LIKE I AIN’T EVER SEEN ONE! ROYAL. FUCKING. PSYOP!!! [purchase_link id=”30564″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] As I explain (but more so indepth) in the video, this bs plays off of people’s transphobia, homophobia and gets you focused on IRRELEVANT SHIT like whether some SELL-ebs are fucking

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The Illuminati’s War Is AGAINST The Divine Feminine

The Illuminati’s War Is AGAINST The Divine Feminine

I’ve been noticing this for years given the church’s stance against women as evidenced in the Salem Witch Trials: And as evidenced in modern day society with the still continued assault upon women: – Shit don’t exist for nothing… I believe alot of the hatred towards females started with the reptilians since they are very anti-female and as archons are afraid of humans opening up their chakras – the key to self empowerment AND freeing ourselves from this prison planet! That said, let me tell you the REAL reason behind the church, organized religion (Islam, HYPOchristianity)’s desire to suppress the

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How To DISABLE The Car Alarm on a Ford Mustang 2000

How To DISABLE The Car Alarm on a Ford Mustang 2000

Note it’s the blue and red (or whatever colour they come in your car) switch relays on top of the passenger fuse panel box: Now, this is a quick BUT IMPERFECT FIX if you’re looking to stop the bullshit with said alarm and keep it from fucking with your car – DRAINING YOUR BATTERY (As it did to me earlier since I got ENTITIES constantly fucking with it, turning it on and off) – and/or locking you out! THIS IS NOT A PERFECT FIX as it appears when I initially start it barely any fuel gets through BUT IT RUNS

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