I sure as fucking wish I woulda took my brother up on the offer of guns for these stupidass ORGANIC PORTAL, LEMMING MOFOS I SWEAR! That being said – I can’t wait to upload the droves of videos of me running assholes up the street – I peep assholes been using me as an excuse to park ILLEGALLY – much like their immigration status – while I am parked LEGAL and minding my own business – like the bitch with the white porsche yesterday that he prob. renting (and can’t afford) just like his apartment STAY YOUR ASSES HOME  

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The Return of Swamp Thing Exposes The Genetic Experiments On Missing People At Dulce Base

The Return of Swamp Thing Exposes The Genetic Experiments On Missing People At Dulce Base

This is a pic of an actual experiment the US government conducted involving genetic experiments where the people look like the genetically altered former humans below This fucked up!   Peep they said Betty Ford clinic. That’s where alot of MK ultra mind control experiments go down (and where sellebs go when their mk ultra programming breaks down). You can read more here: I actually touched on this a looong time ago (2017) here: That said, I believe as I said in that article that Patricia Piccinini’s art low key reveals what happens at Dulce regarding genetic experiments

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How I Defeated Belial The King of The Reptilians

How I Defeated Belial The King of The Reptilians

That’s what the fuck he is and when you look at folks saying they are demons, it makes since. A shaman who rescued my brother said that while in the underworld she saw REPTILIAN hellguards governing it! I myself saw as I will explain later how TRUE satanism is tied to the reptilians! My best friend said thru his third eye he saw the reptilians messing with me – iguana looking entities – one of whom looked like Darth Maul which Credo Mutwa stated was one of the Chitauri – a reptilian race who decieved his people and overall early

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Averting Knife Attack In The Astral At The Hands of A Gook-Buck

Averting Knife Attack In The Astral At The Hands of A Gook-Buck

I decided to spend some more time in the woods last night – won’t do that shit again as it is too spooky:   [purchase_link id=”32736″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here pics to prove my point: Fuck, the forest is so creep for a place so beauty-full during the daytime: – Damn, I’m prettay It’s so funny – while in the forest and after I have been having astral projections involving roaches (Beelzebub a demon: who used to appear to me as a horde of flies then as a giant bee (which is why I now see bees when they

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The Way To Finally Defeat Your Demons and Message To Doug Um No Thanks Hutton

The Way To Finally Defeat Your Demons and Message To Doug Um No Thanks Hutton

Alll from the Book of Raven, lol ? Them knew Age Hippie people weren’t lying when they said: peace and love is the key to keeping demons off your ass! First off you gotta recognise when attacks are being done by them thru people vs just some random asshole. Discernment is important when interacting with the spirit realm! Second, when you recognise folks are being influenced by them to fuck with you, RAISE YOUR VIBRATION and you do this by cleaning your underworld witch ??‍♀️ the shaman Sakti explains here: For years I have had folks say that they

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The Woods Are Spooky Ass Fuck To Stay In

The Woods Are Spooky Ass Fuck To Stay In

From having fucking spirits try to unlock my car door to get me out (I heard the fucking demon say why she gotta stay around here) I heard some spookay shit last night!   [purchase_link id=”32673″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] To think them woods be looking like this: – You KNOW I just gotta put myself in thurr ??? Crazy that that shit can turn into this: – With this being the only source of light ??

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To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona Parking Regulations Deputy Telles Calls Me Out

To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona Parking Regulations Deputy Telles Calls Me Out

Here the long version:   Hear the shortened version:   [purchase_link id=”32644″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] This schitt was maaad funnay! I basically walked nude on the pch to keep motherfuckers from parking there as per (fake) as corona virus signs witch ??‍♀️ I talk about hea – well, let me show: Here’s some I took another day: – Lordt I had a fucking wine bottle in my hand which is why I was doing dumb shit, again! Anyways, initially I took to capping on folks:   [purchase_link id=”32649″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also did that shit with skreet racerz:  

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Jumping Into The Body of Parallel Twin Confirms The Origin of Multiple Personality Disorder

Jumping Into The Body of Parallel Twin Confirms The Origin of Multiple Personality Disorder

Early this morning I had an astral projection experience where I was in the body of this young white woman. She was sitting in a “classroom” by herself that was like a library for ANYONE to study at. I sat, drinking coffee (shit I don’t do in the 3D world) and reading something, a book (shit I ain’t do since the early 2000’s) and so at one point a flood of hispanic gangbangers came in and one sexually harassed me. One had “white” skin, had close cropped black hair with a green teardrop tattoo near the eye and a peach

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LAPD Uses Fake Corona Virus Parking Restrictions To Discriminate Against Me In Violation of The Party of One Doctrine of The 14th Amendment

LAPD Uses Fake Corona Virus Parking Restrictions To Discriminate Against Me In Violation of The Party of One Doctrine of The 14th Amendment

After moving up you can see those greasy mayate nigger cops looking to see if I moved and wasn’t watching their unfairness: This was about me! – They ought to go back to Ape-rica and patrol Ape-rica where they belong! ✊? It more specifically falls under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment which prohibits discrimination based on just you being you, which applies to all my outcasts (so it is a good to know if you are being fucked with while not under a protected class such as class, gender, race or creed etc.). I used to be

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Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

You gotta have the third, pineal gland and maybe some of your crown chakra to ‘woke:   [purchase_link id=”32561″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Today I used it to slay inner demons by reincorporating a part of myself I lost due to soul lost. Ain’t gotta fully astral project (you can use gregores to do ‘woke from a mad safe distance) to put yourself in harm’s way pr nan of that which are incurred in the risk of astral projection. Handle bizzness and take care of shit spiritually!

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