I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen

I Wish To Thank The Los Angeles Sheriffs For Taking Out Andres Guardado For The Black Community
Kill more of em….. ??
Read moreFrom what I know the only truth to reality is frequency and vibration.
Kill more of em….. ??
Read moreAnti-white lib-tube took it down cause it was too much fucking truth (if it was a white person I was exposing for racism they would make that shit recommended)…. After seeing this…. I will no longer be doing that wishy washy shit where I go back and forth on my opinions. I was lead to this video for a reason – to show blacks how much they hate us: Note: They didn’t put hands on her tho she was all up in their car. However, they ran over me, attempted to as I show here all cause of a
Read moreHere is the petition to sign: https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/stop-the-70-mexican-war-of-genocide-1 I talk about they demon seed asses here: As I said, I believe I was given spiritual eyes to call these thangz out: they are not human…. As I said before, they are a reptilian bred slave worker race (which is why they were bred to work hard but not smart ??) who operate from a very low vibratory state of consciousness, hence why they will contradict themselves as one of then thingz exhibits here: Youtube keeps erasing the comment when I respond as can be seen here: The comment thread can
Read moreEven the name “mordida” sounds demonic, like death (muerte)…. If we need any more proof these thangz are demonic…. I’ll just sit this here….. The demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl get down, strike AGAIN – this time at a child’s birthday party where they attack a child-thing with eggs. The normalization and institution of violence at an early age as conveyed by this vulgar act of abuse of a child-thing is often times symptomatic of an endemic cult-ure of violence – and death – in a cult-ure! Considering their idols are demonic figures of death and violence aka la calvertina and
Read moreI can’t get over how real this featured image I made is…. The contrasting imagery between two contradicting lives is profound… I’ll never forget when I first came out here to Malibu, while riding down the PCH I SWORE I heard a demon go, “You coulda been a senator’s wifeeeee”. On another occasion, I had an astral vision where – just as a psychic said years ago – I saw myself wearing pearly white teeth and I felt that, in that timeline, I woulda been fake ass a mofo! In this timeline, I am authentic. Years ago a VERY accurate
Read moreThis chart, which you can see here: https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/bonAbout/race.html Basically explains that the reason why all other races wanna be around us while treating us like shit is cause we have more testosterone – both black men and women – hence the hypersexual stereotyles, the desire to invade our spaces which is bourne out of fear of our physical – and other strenghts and thus the desire out of a major inferiority complex to “tame” so they won’t be as intimidated: This whole “taming of the uncivilzed black animal” trope can be seen in other films where blacks are brought in,
Read moreI wanna say that I find interesting that all other races – including wetback males and whyte males, got lessor testosterone then us: https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/bonAbout/race.html It’s probably why wetbacks attack (esp. the original akq black) woman and why white bois envy black men (THEY ALL DO) = cause they are genetically weak! There is even a ufo contactee named Alex Collier who said whites are the weakest, genetically, and were bred that way: I am a human being who is extremely fucking sensitive, has been hurt and so thus is forced to be “strong” as a survival mechanism to protect
Read moreRIGHT BEFORE I WAS GONNA PUBLISH THIS ARTICLE LOOKA THIS BITCH HERE These nasty ass sacral chakra stealing sexual energy vampires…. I break the shit down in the blog! I’m 37…. pushing 40! Anyways, looka the pic above. I look young, huh!? Finally! I can’t believe this day has come. It took a long time, 19 years to be exact, but I have healed. The healing process ain’t fucking easy either. I can’t tell you all the disruptions I faced like, take a look at this wetback motherfucker here named Raymond: – Don’t he look like Charles Manson? Alright,
Read moreBet she was black given how thirsty (and racist) those mugs are towards us…. Threw this in for good measures (shit man I didn’t get the tiddays in ?)…. The demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl’s nastay ass dicks never stop huh!? This time one got caught as an LAPD officer molesting a dead fucking corpse ✏??♀️?⚰ They talk about blacks being violent yet when you go on best gore all you see are them ?? committing the most heinous acts against humans (cause they are reptilians), stitching baby faces on soccer balls and, now, fucking corpses. Trump said no lie about
Read more….Says the BITCH who wants to be a NIGGA! Confused (mentally ill) ass mofo! BITCH…. or is it nigga? Here this BITCH’S youtube channel (Imma get more dox on HER so somebody may do a “Boys Don’t Cry” ‘woke on her and remind her of who she truly is!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjqCOo-d09za-5vjhyCAh1Q BITCH, you are a GIRL…. IT is still sending messages…. Talking about SHE wanna fight…. BITCH, I WILL GET A MAN to beat (and rape) your ass since you wanna be one so bad, WEIRDO! HOW TF you gonna call someone crazy…. And yet your whole life, your whole way
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