Simon Parkes Confirms Women Are Used By The Archons To Create Bodies To Entrap Souls For Food

Simon Parkes Confirms Women Are Used By The Archons To Create Bodies To Entrap Souls For Food

Ya’ll think I’m crazy….. Listen.   Hear ??? the whole video…. He ain’t no crazy loon…. He is actually a British politician….. Ya’ll say I’m crazy….. Here the full story…. GREAT READ ?? I’ve been saying that a greater, more powerful negative force has been enabling our rape culture….. GREAT READ ?? The REAL Reason Why This World Hates Women I Hate The Way The World Treats Lesbians and Women Missy Misdemeanor Ellitot No Man GLOW Proves Men Are NATURAL Energy Vampires The False Outrage Over Netflix Cuties Exposes How Misogynistic Our Culture Is Over Female Sexuality I

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I Figured Out What The Burqa and KKK Hat All Black Wearing Entities Are

I Figured Out What The Burqa and KKK Hat All Black Wearing Entities Are

= Agent motherfucking Smith! The same has been said about shadow people, the hat man, etc. Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People Hooded beings or robed beings, reptilians, archons, etheric implants, organic portals all serve the same function…. Btw us soulled beings MUST READ this bibliotecapleyades article here: – that is why gangstalking happens. As the article breaks down organic portals – I used to mistakenly say they had no soul but I sensed this ?? they operate from a hivemind collective soul consciousness. Their duty as

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I Think The Dial A Ride Van People Are Serial Killers

I Think The Dial A Ride Van People Are Serial Killers

I woke up in the middle of the night and heard what sounded like the muffled cries of a man with a gag in his mouth:   When I first saw these mofos I instinctively did not like them! Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked CHP And Public ‘Wokes Take Over The Highway And Run Dial Net Sky Net OUT Just like here…..   I listen to my intuition which never fails me (peep that wetback ain’t asking ole girl further down the pch for directions….)! My intuition is never wrong cause unlike you organic portal mofos I’m connected to The Source,

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Mexican Truck Driver At Sysco Calls Black Woman A Nigger And Flips Her The Middle Finger

Mexican Truck Driver At Sysco Calls Black Woman A Nigger And Flips Her The Middle Finger

These idiots will learn that I am not a person to play with….. I don’t care what a person station, status is in life, how they present, how they identift…. you respect them or else…. Last week, I was in my car, meditating, when I sensed a foul, nasty pernicious energy of sexual leecherousness. I pick up on energy very easily….. I then peeped the mofo up above – I was trying to get a good look at him – parking further up, it seemed as if while in the truck he was debating with himself, then made the u

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Have You All Seen The Frazzledrip Hillary Clinton Child Pedovore Video

Have You All Seen The Frazzledrip Hillary Clinton Child Pedovore Video

This guy describes it…..   Facebook tries to suppress ANY conversation over it….   This is what they are trying to suppress – these are stills taken from the vids (it was a series of em)….. They essentially skin and tortured alive these kids….. All this came up in discussions I had with a very nice gentleman recently who described seeing one of the vids where lil African baby girls were placed on a dresser drawer and had their faces filleted like fucking fish….. This was one of the scenes described by ole dude above: These mofos are even trying

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Is This A Fucking Goblin or Something Else

Is This A Fucking Goblin or Something Else

– The featured image looks like Willow o’ Wisp huh? You can REALLY hear it here:   And you may be able to hear it here:   Tf is this ??‍♀️ Shid look at the numbers….. 222 and 333 When you listen, listen for a feminine voice that goes, “Hey.” I once heard it fully speak and it was cackling like a goat, kinda like this: It then transitions to hooting like an owl – I tried to capture it on tape but, as if it KNEW I was gonna tape it shut up – and then I hear a

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These Spirits Are REALLY Fucking Shit Up For My Car

These Spirits Are REALLY Fucking Shit Up For My Car

These are some evil mofos…. they just tried to block me from posting up they pic just now….. ****UPDATE: I figured out what they are and I WILL discuss later but I touch up on how they caused me to get stabbed, here**** My EVP Sessions And PROOF Of How The Spiritual Can Affect The Physical Plane I saw this shit coming, this shit PERFECT storm ???….. Back in my old apartment, I saw that these things were gonna have me on a trajectory of living out my car….. I then had astral visions where I saw myself living out

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I’m In Such GREAT Spirits ?

I’m In Such GREAT Spirits ?

DISS what I’m stepping into…. ?? My old high school art teacher Mrs. Gourrier used to say, put it in a frame ? Here another version, a thinner frame: I’ve been kicking ALLLL the old demons and reptilians asses who been holding me back ??????‍♀️….. that my creative juices been flowing ever since healing and freeing some of my soul pieces from hell. Here’s one ?? This brings back fond memories of my childhood and the type of innocent, nostalgic, moments-in-time (I LOVED the Precious Moments porcelain figures) energy I enjoyed as a whittle baby! Will make more ???? I’ll

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The False Outrage Over Netflix Cuties Exposes How Misogynistic Our Culture Is Over Female Sexuality

The False Outrage Over Netflix Cuties Exposes How Misogynistic Our Culture Is Over Female Sexuality

YEEEEAAAAHHHHH I LOVE THIS MEME: GET EM BABY GRRL, GET EM! Fuck these men and boys up cause I’m tired of the shit! Of course, the great gun owning, kill folks, lethal chair state of Texas….. The same state that wants to make women and girls go back to the coat hanger cause crakkka jeebus told them that a woman should not have control over our bodies by wanting to ban abortion are the same ones that wanna protect us from having any sexual thoughts, desires and inclinations…. FOH! Thought that was a lil boy or a transgirl ✊??️‍? That

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