I Have Arrived: Jewish Lady Draws Caricature Sketch Of Me

I Have Arrived: Jewish Lady Draws Caricature Sketch Of Me

I like how I look (manly)…. Or really just a natural woman, how we are supposed to look without makeup (in our natural state we are supposed to look more androgynous): I talk about my thoughts on how society perpetuates an imposition of childishness on WOMBen by expecting us to NE lil girls forever so we can buffer up dude’s egos (fuck that ??) by referring to us as “girls” – I correct mugs for that – and other inferences that infer that we should stay in a child like state. I’ve even had mugs attack me for not wearing

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Just Had ANOTHER Astral Vision of That LAPD Wilshire Cop Placing Poor Women In Cells For Sex Slavery

Just Had ANOTHER Astral Vision of That LAPD Wilshire Cop Placing Poor Women In Cells For Sex Slavery

UPDATE: DAMN! I wonder if he was following me…. yesterday (after I wrote this) I PEEPED an LAPD car in the parking lot. That’s just fucking weird….   – It ain’t them dudes….. Something told me to choose this image of all the ones showing LAPD cops and notice it says “Topanga”, representing the area I would usually park at: That ain’t a coincidence. That’s a sign! I talked about him last time here…. Astral Vision Reveals LAPD Wilshire Officer Plans To Kidnap Me Rape Me and Convert Me Into A Christian He got crazy fucking eyes and he a

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The Rules of Engagement That Blacks Should Undertake When Interacting With Mexicans

The Rules of Engagement That Blacks Should Undertake When Interacting With Mexicans

****Just got my Make America Great Again cap and knitted cap. Look forward to wearing it**** ✊??? As PROVEN in my previous blogs….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon The wetback is an innately demonic creature. They live for violence, destruction, chaos and just pure evil. Even when they are nice their soul is rotten as explained

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This Is Why Blacks Are Justifiably Beating On These Illegal Mexican Vendors

This Is Why Blacks Are Justifiably Beating On These Illegal Mexican Vendors

Imma start calling I.C.E. on their illegal patrons at 1-866-347-2423 given that I ALWAYS hear these mofos encouraging their illegal ass patrons to call the fucking police on me – an American citizen ✊? #MAGA – Drop wetbacks alive into the pacific ocean ⛓? It brings me GREAT HAPPINESS to know that I will be able to do that to them someday…. Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist I do not make these blogs to be understood by the wetback, but rather to teach my fellow humans about these things, how these things think, their hivemind consciousness

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Christina Millian Late 90s Video Say I Shows Her With A Smartphone

Christina Millian Late 90s Video Say I Shows Her With A Smartphone

This video came out WAYYYY before smartphones existed – amongst the general population! Look at how in one of the pics she holds it up to her ear like she is talking like one would do with a smartphone… Why would she do that if it wasn’t a smartphone…. You can watch the video in it’s entirety here…. That said, let’s talking about cloning…. The one on the right is Christina Millian and the other is Lark Voorhees aka Lisa Turtle of “Saved By The Bell.” That said, Lark Voorhees has suffered “mental illness” aka split personality for a long

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STRAIGHT Demon Seed L.A. County Beaches and Parks Inserts Evil Entity Into My Sacral Chakra After Staring

STRAIGHT Demon Seed L.A. County Beaches and Parks ILLEGAL Employee Inserts Evil Entity Into My Sacral Chakra After Staring

THIS a demon seed: It wasn’t even a look of lust: it was a look of PURE FUCKING HATRED representing the twisted rapist nature of the demon seeds! THAT’S A DEMON SEED: Pure demonic demon seed, straight from the depths of hell of messy-co! That mofo got a straight RAPIST energy! I can hear that demon seed of Quetzalcoatl state, “Why she hate us and I can look at her if I want.” NO, YOU WETBACK BITCH! I AM SO TIRED OF THESE FUCKING RAPIST DEMONS – WHO GOT RAPE DOWN TO AN OLYMPIC SPORT- HAVING THE AUDACITY TO FEEL

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Astral Vision Shows Me The Tiger Bus People Harbors A Pedophile On That Bus

Astral Vision Shows Me The Tiger Bus People Harbors A Pedophile On That Bus

JUST NOW I SAW THEM LIMPING AS THEY GOT OFF THE BUS LOL! ****THIS JUST IN (FROM SUNDAY) TIGER BUS PEOPLE GOT THE FUCK OUT AFTER THAT ‘WOKE****   – That ‘woke worked ??‍♀️ Them mofos ain’t came out that motherfucking bus alll day…… That’s cause I ‘woked they ass! That’s what they get for fucking with me. I was eavesdropping on the convo between them and the sheriffs last night and I overheard them talking about the topless lady and how they will investigate something. Well, my demons, reptilians got on they ass, drained they ass. That’s what their

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CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon

CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon

THIS THE NEW AND THEE BEST VERSION: THAT MOFO WAS COVERING HIS EARS LOL! I didn’t feel good about his ass. His energy’s an energy of chaos and destruction and, since I was the target of his eye as explained in the vid, a sex energy vampire buy the 6000hz frequency ‘woked his ass ???? You ain’t gonna objectify mofo. He has to know who he dealing with….. Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist He know now….. Then, predictably, some “fun tyme” energy having type wetbucks showed up (I HATE them too) showed up and after playing

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Seeing The Reptilian Symbolism That I Will Use In The Future As The Antichrist

Seeing The Reptilian Symbolism That I Will Use In The Future As The Antichrist

Ya’ll think this shit is a joke but given the spiritual murmurs I am getting I am realising this shit is real! Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist I had a strange astral vision in the middle of the night. To commence on talking about the major gist of it, the first part involved me being by the beach in the lower part of the astral. I was with Clint Eastwood who seemed really poor – like everyone was in this reality – but he adopted me as his girlfriend. It was really depressing: the sky was

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Thank You Mr. Donte Pleasants For The Donation

Thank You Mr. Donte Pleasants For The Donation

He has a youtube channel which he runs (don’t bully him or else I am ‘wokeing you ??‍♀️): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQhud72o_Pbi1tpeRG7Ko4Q/videos I encourage you all to support him! I thank you so humbly, soooo humbly!   I am so sick of these evil entities acting in concert and keeping me under an oppressive tight grip which includes control over my money too and orchestrating for my needs to be met only via nasty ass shit like prostitution when my funds are low which usually occurs after they have orchestrated events to drain me of my money. I am tired of the oppression

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