Look! The TRUE Hebrew Israelites (no such thing as a “jew” hence why they call themselves jeWISH) ARE BLACK! THE ANCIENT FRESCOS, PAINTINGS ALL THROUGHOUT EUROPE AND WORLDWIDE PROVE IT!
I don’t wanna hear the bull. What you call jeWISH are actually in fact fake khazars who stole our history and religion from US βπ½π²πΌ
FOH with that Khazar ass lie…..
THIS FAKE KHAZAR jeWISH is LITERALLY TELLING YOU ALL WHAT THE DEAL IS…… A member of the synagogue of Satan decided to send me this hateful post cause these demon ass mofos – and their goyim minions – can’t exploit me…… I blocked his ass I don’t have time for that bullshit….. I didn’t read that wall of bullshit…. well, actually I skimmed it and was LAUGHING my HEBREW ISRAELITE ass off….. Here, send this lonely ass hymie a message since his fake jew khazar ass is obviously lonely enough to write that bullshit….. [email protected] I blocked him cause I
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This shit pisses me off….. THIS tells you all you need to know of the crakkka’s white supremacist agenda against the jews…… That said, as we all know white “people” are the masters of projection AND deflection and we can look no further than how quick they are to blame the jews for the holocaust (nevermind that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion WAS WRITTEN BY WHITE RACISTS which lead to the holocaust) AND the illuminati conspiracy JUST AS they blame blacks for slavery by arguing we sold each other as slaves – meanwhile these demons didn’t have to
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He look JUST LIKE this other sexual predator here. Just like him…. Actor Toby Bronson Shoots At Black Woman He Sexually Harassed THERE IS A REASON why I do what I do…. I Know What The Fuck You Doin’ Motherfucker Or like this mofo here from yesterday….. Β He another one…. saw him around here twice and saw him looking into my vehicle…… That being said, this mofo a sociopath rapist! Β Listen to how he dehumanizes me based on my marginalized status and cause I am an outcast, misunderstood, seen as “weird.” I saw his ass outside my car
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Full video here: Β Best to read the article tho…. I told ya people who fuck with me are deliberately sent to me to become sacrifices….. HOLY SHIT I just realized something…. The Asshole Who Shot At Me Is A Hellyweird Child Sacrificing Actor Named Toby Bronson BEFORE I SAW THIS ASTRAL VISION I SAID THIS MOFO WAS A HELLYWEIRD CHILD SACRIFICING OCCULTIST MOFO….. FUCK how right I was! Daaaaammmmmmnnnn……. I said that shit to be facetitious but didn’t know it would be real! Damn…. That being said, this is why that mofo couldn’t hurt me (when I heard
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…A homeless lady living out her car, lol – okay! Look, not too long after posting this article HERE: This bitch done sent this ole half dead Steven Spielberg mofo to “jew-stalk” me FOR SHEKELS!!! Bitch, I live in my car: I’M BROKE! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31340″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Then not too long after I had ANOTHER JEW – I don’t know if that nigga was trying to pick me up thinking I was a street walker (lol) or whatever – but he drove past me, called me “stupid” then parked his car a lil ways away
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The Hebrew Israelites are gonna love this one… To prove my point, you need ONLY look at the people caught passing for black: Rachel Dolezeal: She has a similar nose to mine… – I look like a fucking scheming evil demon bitch in this, lol! – I look like I am 12 here, maybe 21. Anyways, I wanna take the time out to say – I am one beautiful mofo! I am in Awe of Me: I love my flaws, my face, nose… EVERYTHING! I am sooo entranced with me – see, this why I won’t let any man
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And that KARMA IS NOT FOR THE RIGHTEOUS, EITHER. Here is why… Here is the article: Here is another article listing a rundown of ALLLL his victims, including a lil black girl: And here is ANOTHER article where racist ass “DailyMailUK” is saying that “the only victim who matters” is the Vietnamese victim (poor thang got blinded by “Marky Mark”) AND NOT HIS NUMEROUS BLACK VICTIMS (incidentally he is the only one who has forgiven “Marky Wahlberg” – a Jew – for his crimes [wonder how much the illuminati paid/threatened him to “forgive him” since he didn’t before]
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This nigga thinks he is GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN: This ugly bitch look like he can pose as “twinses” with this ugly mofo right here, Randall Flagg from that Stephen King film, “The Stand”: See, they’re TWINSES! This crakkka KIKE crypto beast came to my attention when I noticed him staring lecherously at ALL – INDISCRIMINATELY -(NIGGA AIN’T GOT NO PREFERENCE) AT WOMEN WEARING SHORT SHORTS JUST LIKE MOST JEWS – AND NIGGAS – WOULD DO (MOST OF MY CLIENTELE ARE KIKES, SO I SHOULD KNOW π Β Anyways, I saw this bitch looking me with a look of disgust,
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