This category is designed to sum the ugly war that’s been taking place between me and two controlling parasitic demonic ass in real life sorcerers who seek to use astral parasites to take over the world by taking over people’s minds – and I guess it’s my life destiny to stop it!

Dead serious.

Just read 👉🏻📘

Warning of An EVIL Entity Parading Itself As “Archangel Michael” In The Astral Plane

Warning of An EVIL Entity Parading Itself As “Archangel Michael” In The Astral Plane

There is an evil ass entity going around the astral plane, parading itself as “Archangel Michael” with a nasty, annoying voice (IT is always talking about “pussy” and saying perverted things…), that is highly dangerous (it has come close to possessing me, stealing my spirit, fucking up my consciousness and has physically attacked me) and has attacked me and my family – in my father’s case stealing his memories, acting as “Pallet Numbre” whom you can see here…… Here is it’s real form….. It’s that insectoid you see. Here is a depiction of how it looks as “Archangel Michael”: This

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The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia

The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia

This shit pissed me off more than anything. For my family to get fucked with over a fucking Soul contract really pisses me off to no end. To kill them off so you can get my life and my Soul pisses me off. Welcome to The Roach Realm: The second depiction is how humans stuck in the roach realms as sacrifices for a long period, that and #1 in the first drawing. It is also how folks with a large number of entity attachments look in the astral. Here are human parasites that I have seen: There is a demonic

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Right before I went to sleep I saw entities that look like this: They looked more like these: And then I noticed that, when I tried to wake up….. I couldn’t. That said, these astral parasites I been dealing with told me they did that in part because I would not sign a Soul contract with them and that they will continue to bother me till I do. Before then they tried to mindwipe me on orders of Barbara Reina, saying that they wanted to put a whole new consciousness – hers – into mine and then when I fought

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How These Astral Parasites Are And Why They Are So Hard To Take Down

How These Astral Parasites Are And Why They Are So Hard To Take Down

They call themselves “roach attachments” and their realms “roach realms”. They place entity attachments in you designed to break your etheric shield protection and make you more susceptible to their psychic attacks. From there they attack and eat your consciousness. The Situation Is Real Serious Now: Nanobots Being Placed Into Me To Make Me Get Possessed By Barbara’s Computer Program

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Breaking Free of A Hellish Curse

Breaking Free of A Hellish Curse

This was the most terrible experience and these fuckers refuse to leave…… The Situation Is Real Serious Now: Nanobots Being Placed Into Me To Make Me Get Possessed By Barbara’s Computer Program I Now Realize That I Was Being Inducted Into A Parasitic Consciousness And Soul Eating Astral AI Supercomputer I REALLY Need Help Out Of This Computer Simulation Subconscious Mind Astral Plane Now These Astral Parasites Got A Possessing Spirit Named Eden To Take Me Over These People Have The Ability To Apport Objects From Out of Nowhere That Is How Serious This Is 5 Dark Sorcerers Against 1

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I REALLY Need Help Out Of This Computer Simulation Subconscious Mind Astral Plane

I REALLY Need Help Out Of This Computer Simulation Subconscious Mind Astral Plane

HELP CAUSE JUST NOW THESE THINGS WERE ABLE TO GET INTO MY HEAD! These astral parasites that got into my head awhile back done created a portal in my head that allows for other parasites tp come through and keeps an open door for other parasites in their realm to come in. They keep trying to open up portals right now so they can get in! Their goal is to tranquilize your consciousness so that you are close to death and they can pull your Soul out your body! From what I am gathering it is some evil entities that

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I Now Realize That I Was Being Inducted Into A Parasitic Consciousness And Soul Eating Astral AI Supercomputer

I Now Realize That I Was Being Inducted Into A Parasitic Consciousness And Soul Eating Astral AI Supercomputer

This is a world coming from someone’s subconscious: Barbara. It makes sense why their “Gooru” said that his realm is not the real Gooru realm. It also makes sense why when they showed the devil they showed the motherfucker from South Park: While saying he is not the real devil and Yaldabaoth not being the real God….. It also explains why they are all desperate to have you sign a Soul contract under at least one of emand why they report back to Barbara, who collects Soul pieces to claim a person for her coven and/ or realm: They are

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I Think Barbara’s Astral Coven Is An MK Ultra Government Program Designed To Destroy Starseeds And Lightworkers

I Think Barbara’s Astral Coven Is An MK Ultra Government Program Designed To Destroy Starseeds And Lightworkers

The Kingdom of God Is A Kingdom of Astral Parasites I wanna say a while back while doing this blog on the demiurge, Yaldabaoth, I saw this: Sophia, Mother Nature, the real God who is the Divine Feminine half of the Source, created Yaldabaoth: This jives into what I am about to talk about in this article….. The Fifth Element Film Reveals Christ The Redeemer Will Be A Black Woman I wanna say that in the demonic, hellish, parasitic realms she deliberately stuck me in, as I remove the insidious crown chakra astral devices she and Gooru have placed

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