Baron Samedi Condemned Me To The Roach Realm

Baron Samedi Condemned Me To The Roach Realm

He DOES in fact harm kids as he put a curse on me since I was a little baby to stay stuck in the roach realm and stay condemned to a life of trauma, homelessness and hardship all because his evil azz wants my spiritual abilities and is trying to curse me to commit suicide so he could get him. One time while in jail while I was haunted by his entities and nearly died, I awoke in his realm to bloody walls and attached to a wall where he tortures his victims, some of whom were kids. I learned

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At A Crossroads of Various Paths April 16 Tarot Reading

At A Crossroads of Various Paths April 16 Tarot Reading

To book a reading you can contact me at [email protected] (they are $25 for 30 mins and $50 for 1 hr) then pay (or you can donate) here: You can also book readings on my Etsy here: And also please visit my facebook page, Raven The Shaman: And here:

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