Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
I always said I wasn’t human… I want you to look at the right eye (or from your perspective, the left) in the picture down below: Note the vertical shape, much like a cat’s pupil, which you can see below: Also, note the image of a cross “glistening” in the eye down below: When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it, too. When I first took the picture, a feeling of “calmness” overcame me, like I was in “good hands.” I knew instinctively that the image would come out “weird,” and what you see up above is what
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Here is the video: Buy vid here ??[purchase_link id=”29201″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are the pictures… This was for real! I don’t know what it was trying to say as I do not believe in the existence of angels in xtian theological sense – I believe that they called angels back then were really aliens since that is what folk with a simple understanding of the world could equate them to at the time and if you look at depictions of the alien race, the Anunnaki – who created ancient Sumer, the first human
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That said, here is my confrontation with it HERE: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29189″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed when I walked away, it got LOUDER! When I returned, I heard it from which you can hear in the second film above then it die down again. For a split second, which was NOT caught on tape from what I can tell, I saw a brief glimpse of it in like a translucent, “milky white” form following a strange dream of Michael Jackson in which he was at a press conference and trying to choke the kids there. That said,
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THIS JUST IN THAT FUCKING SHUSHING ENTITY IS A FUCKING REPTILIAN OR NAGA SERPENT BEING (LOOK AT THE PICS BELOW TAKEN AT A NEIGHBOR’S WINDOW AROUND THE TIME I HEARD IT GO UP AGAIN WITH THAT SHUSH SHIT – I ALSO CAN’T HELP BUT NOTE IT SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN I WENT OUTSIDE): It looks like this, don’t it: For those of you not familiar with naga serpents, here is some info take from wikipedia. Here is an alternate website’s view on em here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/reptiles15.htm I just got a missed fucking call but
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Over the weekend, I heard a change in music on the Alien Federation’s “Ascended Masters” video which you can hear down below: That said, the music I heard before was of chiming bells and a very sweet, melodic sound to it. It didn’t sound like that at all. The comments are still the same. The date it was uploaded is still the same so it can’t be a new upload or a sleight of hand by Google by reuploading an older version of the video on the sneak… So I am left to wonder has anyone else had this experience?
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I want you to look at my eyes: That is not normal. Notice they look alot like that panther’s eyes on the right side. They form a diamond like shape as if shapeshifting like the panther’s to the right. Here are some more. Note the strangeness of the shape of the pupils and the sheen and that even in very little light they form pinpoints… My ear are even pointy as you can see below: Let me tell you some very weird things about my childhood before I start talking about the correlation between me vis a vis ufo’s/ aliens.
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UPDATE: I was going though pics and images of “LeaNights” and this is what came up: FIRST ONE FEATURES CHILD PORN AS CAN BE SEEN IN THIS SCREENSHOT HERE (WE KNOW THIS BITCH IS DOING IT FOR SEXUALLY SALACIOUS REASONS AND NOT TO “FREE THE NIPPLE” OR SOME OTHER STUPID ASS CLUCKERBEAST SAYING AS I AM DOING IT FOR) HERE: https://instagram.com/p/zFCZTeS6BY/?taken-by=nostalgia_sgh LEA NIGHTS OUTING TRICKS AS CAN BE SEEN HERE (after accusing me of being WRONG for doing the same thing): https://instagram.com/p/y-76IWy6Ms/?taken-by=nostalgia_sgh THIS also reveals “LeaNights” is a lesbian as she says herself and if she really liked her
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UPDATE: HER NAME IS TIYANNA (AKA TIYANA) OSORIO AND I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT HE MAY BE COMMITTING WELFARE FRAUD AND HERE IS WHY: I BELIEVE THAT HE IS STILL LIVING WITH HER BOYFRIEND/ HUSBAND. NOW, UNDER WELFARE GUIDELINES, YOU HAVE TO REPORT THAT YOU LIVE WITH THE OTHER PARENT: http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/living-together-book/chapter4-9.html and here: http://www.shouselaw.com/welfare_fraud.html and in many instances PEOPLE LIE, THEY DON’T DO THIS O THEY CAN GET MORE BENEFITS WHICH IS WHAT THEY PROBABLY DID so feel free to report here: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/cdssweb/PG21.htm She performed in some po dunk film named, “Dysfunctional Friends,” which I can tell was never released: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6010499/ NOTE:
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I hate to have to do this again but the first of the month is coming. People think we sex workers have money growing out the trees, coming out of our assess…for us, but we all just work and try to get by just like the rest of you. With that said, it has been slow. So slow that I haven’t even gotten one legit phone call and when I have they all turned out to be bs, like the two mentioned here: http://posonblast.blogspot.com/2014/10/stay-away-from-these-numbers.html I don’t like to beg so I ask many of you out there, regardless of your disposition
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My friend had the first dream, and I had two of the same one twice in a row… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28900″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] The cosmic universe is telling me something…I believe that when you dream, you go into parallel universes, etc. However, your dreams can be a precognitive thought into the realm of what is going to happen to you in the future, hence the term “precognition” where you can see something before it takes place. That is what I feel both dreams, rather, NIGHTMARES that is is telling me… I have always had somewhat psychic
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