
Funny, the purple above is normally associated with The Purple Light Ray of Archangel Tzadkiel (my designated birth Angel based on Qabbalah mysticism) which you can read here: https://www.thoughtco.com/angel-colors-purple-light-ray-123863
– Funny, too, in my old apartment when I would see scary, spooky shit, I noticed a “pink colored prison” woukd appear to shield my eyes from seeing em so they couldn’t harm or feed off my energy and now I know it is the work of Archangel Chamuel (I thought it was Uriel, my other Divine Angelic “guidance counselor” I was born under according to Qabbalah mysticism): https://www.thoughtco.com/angel-colors-pink-light-ray-123862
I have seen orbs all over. They are NOT new to me. I also see “shapes” I guess of entities I guess that try to make themselves apparent to me, ESP. at the beach: they often come in yellow, green, and blue when I have seen them and in different types of shapes. As to what they are and what their purpose is, I dunno, but I recall one once taking the form of a “gargoyle” which I saw and using my “third dimensional vision” (really, I saw it with my Third Eye) try to take a picture of (it might be the entity responsible behind why for a while a friend of mines heard “growling” noise AND the dark shadow a female viewer saw in one of my videos) while in Malibu…
As a kid I have ALWAYS been able to see and hear entities, esp. for some strange reason – scary animal spirits (WHOA, JUST NOW AS I WAS TYPING I SAW FOR A SPLIT SEC. A MAN WALK DOWN THE BLOCK BEHIND ME AND WHEN I LOOKED – HE WAS GONE!). Anyways, I remember seeing a “crab” which almost looked lije it came out of a “computer simulation” and I saw it’s silhouette behind the curtain in my mother’s bedroom when I was around 5. It literally looked like this (EXACTLY like that) behind the curtain:

Another thing that would happen as a kid was I would wake up – in my parent’s room – and I would hear the OUTRO TO THE 1985 VERSION OF THE TWILIGHT ZONE (MADE BY THE GRATEFUL DEAD WHO WERE ALLEGEDLY KNOWN OCCULTISTS) PLAYING:
WITHOUT THE FUCKING TV BEING ON AT THE TIME!!! The even more “occultish” thing was when I would see the ending for said program and they had the Pyramid with the Eye in the middle:
And then it would turn into “4 pyramids” after “rolling across the screen.” That had to have been by far the spookiest shit I had ever seen and yes that was their actual outro!
I have no idea – to this day – what those spirits were. Were they programmed simulations “sent to me” via aliens (given my long history dealing with aliens which I talk about here: I don’t doubt it)? They say that when you see 2D entities those are usually demons. I know when I saw that crab I was scared, lol, cause I thought it could pinch me and hurt me or worse (it was pretty big) cause why would it not appear on the ground as normal as crabs are supposed to do? Also, it was pretty big, too, like it was designed like that to draw fear from me.
As for orbs, like the ones in my picture, they say that yellow ones carry the message of “warning” and that “gold” carries with it intentions of protection and shows a higher level being with an elevated level of consciousness. You can read more about orbs here: http://in5d.com/all-about-orbs/
As for me, I have been told by someone whose THIRD EYE IS REALLY OPEN (meaning spirits on the other side can’t fool him) that I have at times exuded a “gold aura” or a “pink light” where my third eye is which shows PERFECT harmonious balance between the spiritual AND the physical (usually this is when I get drunk which may explain my inclination towards alcohol which – as I get closer to my goals – I don’t feel any “need” or desire for. I recall a guy said that “I” in the dreamscape (this coulda been my Spirit Guides or a Higher Self reaching out on my behalf when I was going thru some very tumultuous things) reached out to him and he saw the same colors alot of spiritual people have seen in my aura: white, blue, purple, and gold, very spiritual colors. I know my third eye is open, so is my crown chakra and ny root chakra. That’s why it is so hard for people like me – esp. given the mission I have here on Earth – to work and live life as most “normal robotic people” or as I call, “norps” do because to operate amongst them would require the loss of my heightened level of consciousness and thus losing my abilities and what makes me me and thus making it harder to accomplish my life’s mission on Earth!
– To learn more about chakras, go here: http://www.energy-shifter.com/the-chakras-and-the-seven-rays.html
I am now realizing – with all this supernatural activity going on around me – just really how The World “behind the scenes” works. “Hell” is not down below: it is really – if you want to get literal is to your right as I can tell you from personal experience. It is also in your root chakra and is tied to how close you are attached to the material realm (hence why materialistic people have a hard time moving on once they die because they can’t give the 3D realm up nor partake in it’s pleasure since they no longer have a corporeal body to be able to partake in [hence why in the BUY-BULL they say that those in “hell will not be tantilized, fed, or have their thirst quenched”]). On the other hand, “Heaven” is to your left and if you want to look at it in terms of chakras it is ordinarily associated with your Crown Chakra: the seat of enlightenment, wisdom, knowledge and Divine Connection to The Gods, hence the term, “So As Above, So Below” with the above correlating to your crown chakra and “the below” to your root chakra, hence why I see “red” when it’s opened and why I see the lighter, nicer colors when the crown chakra’s opened! Also, relating back to how you have heaven on one side and “hell” on the other, think back to depictions (often originating from Islam who know best on how to deal with Djinn, Demons, etc.), note how The Devil is to the right (funny tho. how the term “Right” is used as an euphemism for “good” or that you are on the “right” path while “the devil” is to the right which you can see down below and is also used as an euphemism for those involved in deeper, darker, Aleister Crowley-esque majick hence the term, “left hand path”:
– Given that right is seen as “good” in our society and left as “bad”, I wonder what the powers that be intended by saying that the more enlightened, “left” side is “bad” while the more corporeal – hellish – and materialistic “right” is good? Maybe to subliminally encourage us to stay dumbed down and attached to this materialistic 3D realm.
I will leave you all with this story: when I was living in my old apartment, I kept feeling inclined to do a rendition – a painting – featuring me and “The Devil” (before I had me and Queztalcoatl and all sorts of financial bad luck kept befalling me). That is when I started seeing bad shit again: I then kept getting an inclination to paint an “Angel”: Archangel Uriel – female – in there and then almost like I was getting intuitive “threats” from the demonic or right hand (it is really the right hand side), I decided to destroy the entire painting as I was seeing the scary shit again! That said I learned that there is a world that controls us, that is in charge of our destinies and we live under the illusion of free will which we use to help us “get by” the day while beings, entities on the other side know it is about as “real” as the holographic universe we reside in.
Good night!