How The Image of Jesus Is Used To Destroy Soulled People And Black People

How The Image of Jesus Is Used To Destroy Soulled People And Black People

The Great Baba Bobby Hemmitt once rightfully proselytized that what folks known as “jesus”, really HEY- Zeus is the mark of the beast….. He is absolutely right…… What you see as the image of “jesus christ” is actually Cesare Borgia, the rapist, murderous, “basturd” (basturd denotes that a man has to claim a child as his property to be “legitimate” witch 🧙🏻‍♀️🪄 is why I put “basturd” in quotes due to it’s misogynistic connotations) son of the equally pernicious and saturnian (“satanic”) Pope Rodrigo of Rome, who would place fruit with thorns in them inside of the vaginas

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A White Halo Aura Appears Around My Crown Chakra

A White Halo Aura Appears Around My Crown Chakra

  – This is not the first time this has appeared…. When I used my third eye to discern what is going on Eye saw that it is because the light around my crown chakra is shining thru more – as opposed to what it did years ago….. This is real cause note that it doesn’t appear here….. …..because I have been doing ALOT of healing and entity removals and I am noting big differences in my feelings, state of mind, I’ve been feeling better. Damn this is a handsome – and power-full – photo of me:

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Healthily Merging The Back of The Neck Chakra aka Throat Chakra Area aka Hell With The Crown Chakra aka Heaven

Healthily Merging The Back of The Neck Chakra aka Throat Chakra Area aka Hell With The Crown Chakra aka Heaven

Your back of the neck chakra witch ??‍♀️ is also part of your throat chakra also houses your soul. A film called Life Stinks by Mel Brooks basically discussed in one scene how your Soul exists from there. Witches, sorcerers, entities can also attach spirits there to suck up your lifeforce witch ??‍♀️ is also known as “a witch riding your back.” You gotta dispatch it or else when you die the attached spirit will devour your Soul. It is also said Alkebulan aka Afrika is crowned by crown chakra energy in the astral (KALI-fornia by the root chakra hence

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Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

You gotta have the third, pineal gland and maybe some of your crown chakra to ‘woke:   [purchase_link id=”32561″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Today I used it to slay inner demons by reincorporating a part of myself I lost due to soul lost. Ain’t gotta fully astral project (you can use gregores to do ‘woke from a mad safe distance) to put yourself in harm’s way pr nan of that which are incurred in the risk of astral projection. Handle bizzness and take care of shit spiritually!

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Leaving Court and Benefits of Crown Chakra Opening

Leaving Court and Benefits of Crown Chakra Opening

Before I begin, I wanna say look at this FUCKED UP Beverly Hills police window (who caused a hole in THAT?): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31145″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now, when your crown chakra is open, you can walk like THIS – WITH CONFIDENCE – FROM COURT: Buy all 5 vids here [purchase_link id=”31149″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] – I talk more indepth about the benefits in said vid! That said, here is what went down in the courthouse: Also, there was smoke – a fire I’m guessing – coming from the basement of the courthouse (Oh shit!)! Also look at

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Orbs And Where Heaven and Hell REALLY Is

Orbs And Where Heaven and Hell REALLY Is

I notice that EVERYTIME I HAVE GONE DOWN TO THE BEACH I HAVE SEEN ORBS: WTF!!!??? Funny, the purple above is normally associated with The Purple Light Ray of Archangel Tzadkiel (my designated birth Angel based on Qabbalah mysticism) which you can read here: – Funny, too, in my old apartment when I would see scary, spooky shit, I noticed a “pink colored prison” woukd appear to shield my eyes from seeing em so they couldn’t harm or feed off my energy and now I know it is the work of Archangel Chamuel (I thought it was Uriel, my

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Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Over the weekend, I heard a change in music on the Alien Federation’s “Ascended Masters” video which you can hear down below: That said, the music I heard before was of chiming bells and a very sweet, melodic sound to it. It didn’t sound like that at all. The comments are still the same. The date it was uploaded is still the same so it can’t be a new upload or a sleight of hand by Google by reuploading an older version of the video on the sneak… So I am left to wonder has anyone else had this experience?

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