Orbs And Where Heaven and Hell REALLY Is

Orbs And Where Heaven and Hell REALLY Is

I notice that EVERYTIME I HAVE GONE DOWN TO THE BEACH I HAVE SEEN ORBS: WTF!!!??? Funny, the purple above is normally associated with The Purple Light Ray of Archangel Tzadkiel (my designated birth Angel based on Qabbalah mysticism) which you can read here: https://www.thoughtco.com/angel-colors-purple-light-ray-123863 – Funny, too, in my old apartment when I would see scary, spooky shit, I noticed a “pink colored prison” woukd appear to shield my eyes from seeing em so they couldn’t harm or feed off my energy and now I know it is the work of Archangel Chamuel (I thought it was Uriel, my

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What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

Yeah, I know I’m BLACK 😉 But that’s not what I am referring to when I say “dark…”   To make a long story short for the longest time I have always been a “good” person – not a nice person – nice people are living doormats who are always getting stepped on by the more ambitious and biggest users of our world. No, not that… I used to be a “copwatcher” and help people – selfishlessly and free of charge using my own money to drive up and down Figueroa every night and make sure cops didn’t fuck with

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