Wow… there is a REASON behind why I always sensed bad spiritual energy… or just strong energy (people are cool here) around this area. Look at the shit I saw while strolling at night (something TOLD ME TO TAKE THESE):
BETTER? You see the scary shit I’m talking about now…
Here, if your ass is blind like Ray Charles, here’s a close up of that scary shit…

This has got to be some Chinese, maybe Japanese Ghost:
That shit look evil. That said, here is an image I TOOK TODAY (right after witnessing all this last night) how that same area looks in the day time so you see it wasn’t anything else that caused it:
Here it is from ANOTHER VANTAGE POINT so you know I’m telling the troof:
I told ya I wasn’t making this shit up…
My life is full of bizarre – SUPERNATURAL – crazy things. Remember the lil “green ufo” spotted over Masselin Ave. in Miracle Mile (I think the lil bastard could be some sort of military drone now that I think of it…?), I spotted my lil friend again (“He” shows up when significant news regarding my lifepath is about to show up:
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That put a smile on my face and gave me some hope for the rest of the night. NOW here is a ufo I spotted (had CONSTANT LIGHTS ON so couldn’t be a regular airplane plus a TON OF EM and I’ve been “sky-spotting” for much of my life):
Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29288″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
THESE BITCHES CAN’T TAKE ME HOME??? I find it weird that I see alot of this activity in Miracle Mile. Is it a “hub” for ufo activity? Is it a testing place to see how humans act with THEIR INFLUENCE with this area as their petri dish hence why I see alot of weird shit? There’s alot of media companies and we know how THEY are associated with the occult! Are they here for ME giving my weird past with ufos which you can read here:
I dunno but all I know is the truth is out there with them so only they know…
I couldnt live on that street. Seems like it’s too much paranormal activity there
I gotta work on the vid tags so I can show vids. Anyways yeah you right I don’t sleep near certain areas cause of that in miracle mile!