Society is shit and I expose it!
I knew there was a reason why they are caping for a parasite over a living, breathing womban (and why they don’t give a fuck about the lil bas-turd when born)…… ….And note how these pedophiles and child traffickers like Focus on the Family (meaning your children ???) are projecting…… They can’t even come up with a good fucking lie! I mean HOW TF ARE WE GONNA BE INTO CHILD TRAFFICKING WHEN WE DON’T WANT THE LIL BASTURDS IN THE FIRST PLACE???? That’s them doing that shit! When I threw this argument at a greasy pro life dog haired
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I WAS WONDERING WHY the same mofos who gave NO JAIL TIME to two crakkkas who were caught starving two Ghanian kids…… …..The same folks who let a white supremacist murder a small black baby get off with only 30 years…… Are pushing SO HARD for black people to produce unwanted black babies….. They want them to enact their racist slavemaster fantasies out on since kids – esp. black kids – can’t speak up or as in the case of some of those kids above won’t be believed…… Kids like the Hart kids who tried to warn authorities that his
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CRAZY, BECAUSE RIGHT BEFORE I STUMBLED ONTO THIS STORY I had a vivid vivid nightmare of an old white woman who deliberately adopted a young 13 year old black girl and her brothers so her white son can rape her and I saw the girl had a baby for him and he looked oddly similar to the dad in this case…… Fucked up hairline and all (but dude in my nightmare wore glasses) and it seemed they adopted the kids from America and brought them to Australia. The latina, Ms. Angelica Mendez, was right to call these white supremacist modern
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The thing is – and this what kills me – and this is the second time, third time actually with black folks peridot ?? that this has happened – she turned on me after I tried to help her – offering her water – after her slavemaster/slavecatcher beau was about to abandon her like a runaway slave on the pch…… Here is their license plate number since they wanna attack me….. Looka how he put her out there on front street (and she still defends him as seen in the video)….. This really saddens me. I tried to help and
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We honest would make a cute gay couple….. – Please don’t fuck with her. I dunno man I honest look a lil gay (strong gay energy ✊??️?) here. I don’t see a similar romantic energy when I am paired with a man. I was honest thinking about doing something with her too…. Before anybody – esp. thirsty ass dudes (get the fuck outta here) – come on here to think I am on the side of the lgbtq you got me – esp. with my being a transracial womban and a feminist – fucked up! I am just making LEGIT
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This mofo gonna get ran out ????? Many viewers have been warning this fool that he will be getting the attention of the cartels for acting up in Me-Hi-co (as he pronounces it) thinking he can pull the same shit he pulled on US cops – who are bound by law and order – unlike Messy-co which is lawless and orderless and is ran by power hungry cartels, much akin to Syria and every other war torn place: – He lucky he didn’t get shot ??♀️ His wife and kids left his ass high and dry cause they know what’s
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I can sense they were fucking around (after seeing my vids)….. They soooo quwetee ??? I can’t stand this…..    And esp. this right here…..  Here is their license plate number:  Amber03 it is spelled! I had to ‘woke these two esp. the nigger cause they coming around with this energy of leering at me like I am a zoo animal (yes I can sense that motherfucker and will let you know) and think they can treat me like the trash they threw down on the ground – the trash they are with the nigger saying
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Look at his smug face….. – A dude, Mexican dude I talked to said he saw him stalking 3 young Mexican GIRLS – no more than 15, 16 years old on the sand! He felt because he is white he is entitled to my body…. a while back he even called me “nigger” cause I didn’t want him….. Now he’s ‘woked I profiled him here: How The Reptilians Try To Pair You With Controlled People To Control You And here: How Aliens Can Manipulate Your Life
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I had to run somebody off my IG who was on some bull….. I don’t want THAT dumbed down slave mentality on any of my social media, including here….. Tucker Carlson explains it better….. The REAL Reason Why Other Races Hate Blacks But Want To Be Around Us
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Ever wondered WHY they say the most misogynistic shit online….. Look no further than this study here…..
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