Look at how this demon seed wants to fight a black woman. This is why in large part I talk about these demon seeds….. Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians This is why I talk about those w3tb@cks – they are quick to put hands on black people – esp black women, but they won’t do so to whites as can be seen
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Anyone who knows me knows I am ALWAYS talking about the archons and, esp. their creator, the demiurge – here is the archive for all that talk ?

God Is The Baphomet
I believe another name for him is Cernunnos: – All these Gods have horns. Here is why I say this: That is Amun, the first monotheistic God war-shipped in ancient Khemet (Egypt). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun Everything comes from ancient Egypt, including Arianism which is the belief that Jesus aka HEY-Zeus is the Son of God, which you can read about here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism That said, notice that Amun is depicted as having horns, as is the Baphomet: – Makes sense cause as a God would be expected to God would be duality, both male and female! Now, everytime you say Amen, you are
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The Power Lies Within You

Lucifer And Faust Were Not What You Think They Are
Lucifer was actually a bishop in Italy who was opposed to Arianism, which is the belief that Jesus aka HEY-Zeus was the son of god, which came from an Egyptian christian presbyter named Arius, who actually based it on Amun Ra, a horned god who was the first Egyptian god to be monotheistically war-shipped who was then merged with the Egyptian Sun God Ra to form Amun Ra (it was originally Amun by itself): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer_of_Cagliari https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/cusrd_abstracts/298/#:~:text=Originally%2C%20Amun%2DRa%20was%20known,Egyptians%20had%20a%20monotheistic%20belief. Remember the story of Faust: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust ….A German doctor who sold his Soul to the “devil”? That said that name came from a
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God Is Allowing Joel Hipps aka Gooru To Attack Me And Other Soulled Folks
David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult https://toplessinla.org/category/the-gooru-aka-joel-and-barbara-jo-hipps-and-michael-o-terrence-issue/ “God” the demiurge is one evil mofo: God Is Actually An Archon Parasitical Device of Patriarchal Control For The Matrix God Is Satan: The Demiurge He works with Soul Stealers to keep Soulled folks in line, and under his control. How to defeat them: Destroy The Astral Books To Get Rid of Hard To Defeat Entities And Spirits
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Re-Introducing My “Soulled Collective” Tarot Readings
Whoa…. in the pic here it looks like Sekhmet holding up the Divine Feminine fiery half of the Ying and Yang, in a tired, haggard state while fighting Gooru, a fiery evil entity and toxic masculine incarnate spirit which I know to be from experience: ….With a woman in a shawl who and medieval attire who is throwing laser beams at Sekhmet to destroy her as well which I take to be Barbara Reina as well as David Reina: I also see a woman praising nature here if you look at it from a distance: I am going to be
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What Is David Reina’s Obsession With Turning Me Dark
I postulated that he might be some sort of reptilian or reptilian controlled: I postulated this based on an encounter – two – that I had with a reptilian which looked like this that came when I started breaking free of the dark entity attachments he would place on me: …..which I recounted here: Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision And another where I was in the astral plane and was a sex slave to a reptilian who had a neck brace placed around my neck (to keep me separate from my other chakras
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I REALLY Need Help Out Of This Computer Simulation Subconscious Mind Astral Plane
HELP CAUSE JUST NOW THESE THINGS WERE ABLE TO GET INTO MY HEAD! These astral parasites that got into my head awhile back done created a portal in my head that allows for other parasites tp come through and keeps an open door for other parasites in their realm to come in. They keep trying to open up portals right now so they can get in! Their goal is to tranquilize your consciousness so that you are close to death and they can pull your Soul out your body! From what I am gathering it is some evil entities that
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Tom Brady Was Used By Giselle Bundchen As An Energy Sacrifice And Kanye West Got Mind Wiped By The Illuminati
He ain’t looking like a crackhead high on meth for nothing poor thing. Here is how he looked when he was married to his first wife: he looked sneaky ass fuck seriously! But he still had light aka a Soul in him. Now look at how Soulless he looks with Giselle: This when they first got married. Notice she had no light in her eyes and his either. This was the start of the energy drain: Looking at the vis a vis comparison….. He went from looking smoking hot to looking like he smoking crack 🚬🔥 She was using this
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Astralworld 7: Breaking Barbara’s Machine
The most insecure people who are not whole in themselves seek to dominate others for power. That is the case with Barbara. That said, I was journey through the astral plane, traveling when I kept running into those machines I mentioned occupied by people – usually men – with those booming ass voices. Those guys usually had a misogynistic bent about them which I hated and the women I witnessed would acquiesce to that bull. That said, I wanted to destroy them machines to get to the crux of the Gooru issue. I recall trying to bring down one machine
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