I have been getting in trouble with the cops as of late. I dunno wtf is going on….
THIS IS WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – AND THE LAW!! Alright, here’s another one coming at ya straight from the LA County courthouse: > Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29518″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] (*I JUST LOOVE when they drop dimes on themselves: at first he suggested I PAY STRAIGHT TO THE JUDGE!!!) Okay, basically according to case law the length of your probation is supposed to last the length you would of been sentenced to jail. In the case of vandalism that would be 1 year which you can see down below (In this case I shoulda
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Here are two documents showing it… Here’s another… Here’s the originals… That said, this points to BLATANT obvious disdain and bias against me by the LAPD, right in front your face. This shit has been talked about ALL around the country of how certain people are put on “blacklists” by police departments for being problems, whether they be copwatchers, activists and these mofos are going after me because of my topless and copwatching (in the past) efforts! You can read more about that here: http://www.blacklistednews.com/Cops_Label_Cop_Watch_Groups_Domestic_Terrorists_/38384/0/38/38/Y/M.html LAPD WAS CREATED FOR THIS PURPOSE BY THE L.A. TIMES AS I SPIKE OF HERE:
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READ THE SCREENSHOTS BELOW in which, according to Harvard educated black couple – the Roziers – fraudulent and impetulent prosecutor, Keith De La Rosa, referred to them as GHETTO in order to state that their credentials were “fraudulent” and used that as the basis on which to convict them of “theft by deception” and called them “con artists” SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK: I don’t doubt these people – the Rozier’s – especially given the discriminatory and selective treatment AGAINST ME which De La Rosa has committed against me in which he refused to investigate a case I made against
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I want you to read these comments coming from 60 something “sweet” DEMONICALLY POSSESSED MARY SIMS: Here is her youtube channel of CRAZINESS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ2KT5-CcYv65wjJILU9MfA Here is one vid where she claims she abandoned her husband while “waiting for Jesus”: Here is another one and I think it sums up her mental state as well regarding demonic possession in which she states: “Don’t be stingy with your light!” as in because she is DEMONICALLY POSSESSED, SHE HAS NO LIGHT so she wants to STEAL YOURS TO SURVIVE: Now, watch these videos where she talks about how her husband of 27 years
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Something very strange going on… Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29472″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Up above is my first video to the court house, the same one where they said that my entire court case “went missing” cause he couldn’t find it in the system, implicating LAPD and quite possibly the City of L.A. in some serious shit, which you can read below: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/28/someone-higher-up-in-los-angeles-government-than-lapd-gave-order-to-remove-crooked-case-from-system/ In the first video, note I got THE DOCKET but not the complaint. Note in the link above after my first visit and AFTER POSTING ABOUT THIS ONLINE, THEN AND ONLY THEN WAS THE ENTIRE CASE REMOVED
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Okay! I went in to inquire – and acquire – the ticket of my DUI since I swore on the ticket I once had (WHICH WAS MISSING WHEN I RETURNED BACK TO MY CAR) I SWEAR IT SAID A DIFFERENT COURT DATE THAN WHAT THAN WHAT THEY SAID HERE OR WHAT THE WARRANT CALLED ME IN FOR WHICH IS WHY I WANTED IT. While there you can here one of the officers say it would be at estimate for JUNE 16, 2017 (the warrant said I missed the court date in MAY) which you can hear HERE: > Buy both
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This came from someone higher and I expound on that here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29448″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THIS is the case I am talking about, which you can read here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/27/lapd-now-covers-their-crooked-tracks-by-removing-illegitimate-case-against-copwatcher-from-the-system/
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This is crazy: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29440″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] As you can hear below, THEY HAD NO BUSINESS BEING ON MASSELIN AND 6TH! They were supposed to be on HAUSER AND WILSHIRE CAUSE OF A ROBBERY TAKING PLACE: Now they stalking me in parking lots, too, lol: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29443″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This all happened after I exposed them for their crookedness here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/12/lapd-are-really-out-to-get-me/ AND exposed them for trying to remove SAID EVIDENCE OF CROOKEDNESS HERE FROM THE ENTIRE SYSTEM: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/27/lapd-now-covers-their-crooked-tracks-by-removing-illegitimate-case-against-copwatcher-from-the-system/ I get the sense things are about to get interesting in the next few
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Read here EVERYTHING that’s done gone on as a backtrack here (I will be updating this later): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29404″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/12/lapd-are-really-out-to-get-me/ This is crazy! I also checked here (you can look for it under case # 7CJ08463) http://www.lacourt.org/criminalcasesummary/ui/index.aspx?msg=1 ALSO NOTE HOW THEY ARE TRYING TO COVER THEIR TRACKS BY FLAGGING MY FACEBOOK LINKS EXPOSINFG THEY AZZEZ ASS “SPAM”: After I’ve been TRIED, FORCED TO UNDER DURESS PLEAD “NO CONTEST” – WHICH IS ABOUT THE SAME AS PLEADING GUILTY – TO A NON LEGIT CHARGE ALL OF A SUDDEN AFTER WRITING THE BLOG YOU CAN SEE
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Watch here (I am NOT surprised): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29429″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Basically, as can be seen in these screenshots below: LAPD was started to suppress labor unions, etc. and any other leftist mostly progressive movement under the guidance of original L.A. Times publisher, Harry Chandler: Much like the illuminati, I believe they even D STAGED AKA FAKED THIS 1910 BOMBING JUST SO THEY CAN GO AFTER LABOR UNIONS (you can read more about it HERE): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Times_bombing This reminds me of another “terroristic attack” orchestrated by the very same people – the U.S. government – who claimed they
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