I call em politrickians for a reason…. look up pizzagate: https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/07/pizzagate-illuminati-rape-of-children-exposed-with-proof-in-pictures/
I wanna slap the shit outta that insincere fat shamu landwhale ? also known as Peggy Kane…. back into the ocean where her fat ass belongs. These mofos are impossible ??♀️ They out here beating his ass and he still caping for their bullshit: Tony a simple minded mofo. That is one sincere observation I can make. That said I break down here why all sides need to become more nuanced on the issue….. Look up the Great Reset: The Covid Destruction of Businesses Is Meant To Set Up For The Great Reset Aka Hunger Games
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I never could understand it…… Ya’ll read here….. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-was-benjamin-franklins-basement-filled-with-skeletons-524521/ https://freethoughtblogs.com/singham/2018/12/05/was-benjamin-franklin-a-serial-killer/ ….Mofo was a serial killer….. I mean in the face of evidence like this….. And esp. this…… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_who_were_Freemasons https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/photograph-records/58-11 This really seals the deal….. Albert Pike: He was in fact the founding father of freemasonry in America. He set up the Georgia Guidestones which set the basis for ALL the shit we are facing today as per planned by the illuminati…. I always thought that patriots were some dumb, deliberately blind sided, cherry picking mofos cause how can you venerate colonising, thieving, white supremacist mofos who belonged to the very
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Somebody asked me if I was gonna take that ??? Leave that shit alone….. https://abc7.com/tim-zook-covid-19-vaccine-death-can-the-kill-you-coronavirus/10105246/ A nurse also got sick from it, deathly ill from taking a vax and she got sacked for speaking on it from said hospital she worked: They are – as the bible predicted – gonna start mandating people take this shit, which has a microchip in it aka the “mark of the beast” the buy-bull predicted….. This is per the Great Reset where no one will own anything and where we will be placed on Universal Basic Income (hence why they are using
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– Notice who helped him….. Very much like who helped this Jewish man (✊???) from an animalistic wetback attack….. BUT note – who the crakkka controlled media tries to blame (this is why I don’t care for nor trust crakkkas)….. And looked who helped him Asè ✊??? This is like the second time hearing of an unprovoked attack on an asian by a wetback cause awhile back they did it to a woman while not robbing her (of course the demon seeds will target a woman cause it is in their reptilian dna to hate us hence their culture of
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Just saw this! TOLD YA! Many folks are leaving Cali cause other places are cheap but as ole boy say here Texas ain’t cheap! https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/travel-outdoors/article/California-man-blasts-Texas-dystopia-in-Op-Ed-15887614.php I’m petty ?? Here are my FAV pics….. I weightlifted (hence how I’m getting biig)….. – No I’m not drunk….. I am getting healthier….. Even met interesting pee-pole….. And talked shyte ? That said let’s talk about Californians who emigrated to Tex-ass who are now quite possibly regretting that move….. This is shit you saw on tv back in the 80s in the eastern European communist blocs on tv…… With that being said for weeks
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To go to show you what type of sick fucks are in office her “dad”, Senator Coons, defends Biden (he ain’t no real man!): Looka that fam’s fake mk ultra smiles…. Here is a full compilation of him touching lil girls AND boys and ANY FUCKING BODY – literally! When Pizzagate came out which was the issue in which emails showed poliTRICKians raping kids in code which I covered here….. Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures And so did this site (they censored em online)….. https://www.sott.net/article/335512-Pizzagate-Podesta-pedo-perps-and-Clintons-international-child-sex-trafficking-ring-exposed As a matter
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I died laughing at this and you will too ☠⚰? I downloaded it just in case the shit gets removed (we know how the lamestream media likes to hide things…. like pizzagate The alzheimers strong with this niqqa. That said, you got child “meddling” – lil girl walks away from his ass in the beginning with an upturned scowl on her face as pedo Joe tries to touch her – kids laughing at his ass – him saying he let kids sit on his lap and rub his hairy legs – him calling black kids “roaches” – as well
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I WARNED YA’LL IN FUCKING 2018! How The Hunger Games Is The Illuminati Blueprint For Our Future I can’t believe how accurate my predictions are….. Read this article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/own-nothing-happy-being-human-2030/5728960 I posted important screenshots from it cause Google STAYS taking shit down! They had this shit planned 10 years ago….. Watch this video where world governments plans for our future is to have us set up where “no one will own anything but we will be happy” while the illuminati sits at the top ruling us….. This was STRAIGHT from the World Economic Forum’s Youtube channel which they promptly took
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Remember how they “installed” Gucci Mane, his clone, as a test subject to see how an unwitting and unsuspecting (well people kniw something wasn’t right about “him”) populace will receive an obvious clone of Gucci Mane. I guess in prep for this blog post my subconscious was playing “Traphouse 3” ALLL last night and I couldn’t understand why: – She his handler! Another victim of this I touched on is Kanye West: Hollywood Reporter ADMITS Kanye West’s Blonde Hair SHOWS that He IS UNDER MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military
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Ya’ll really are pissing me off….. This scares me…… That comment scares me. What is crazy is that I was JUST listening to an audiobook rendition of George Orwell’s 1984 and in it all throughout folks talk of drinking DANGEROUSLY toxic and extremely strong liquor to cope with the totalarian amd dystopian society they are living in….. I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who stated that those who are willing to give up their freedom in exchange for security don’t deserve either….. Ya’ll are just laughing and meming this shit (dummies)….. They ain’t doing this shit for nothing….. Mofo sound
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