I call em politrickians for a reason…. look up pizzagate: https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/07/pizzagate-illuminati-rape-of-children-exposed-with-proof-in-pictures/

Kamala Harris Is Telling You All Where The Antichrist Will Rise

Kamala Harris Is Telling You All Where The Antichrist Will Rise

These mofos are telling you all what’s going on secretly behind closed doors. Strangely I been getting and receiving messages from what I feel are alternate timelines telling of war or rumours of it – which I will break down in a future post: Read the comments thread I ain’t never heard of no shit like that with Trump drone bombing Iran at all! This: And this weirdo shyte, on American soil: volunteers getting shot up by an American Helicopter: And this is scary: That guy is too sincere to be joking. From my perspective this is an alternate timeline

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Create Entity Attachments Using Your Soul Pieces To Protect Your Consciousness From Mind Hijackers

Create Entity Attachments Using Your Soul Pieces To Protect Your Consciousness From Mind Hijackers

They so stupid! Turns out Barbara Reina and David Reina and I believe perhaps that Malibu child sacrificing dark witch shaman Michael O’ Terrence or Michael O’ Terry the Native American are government agents. The reason why they go by “G1” and “G” is because that represents the government, hence the “G”. Supposedly from what I understand from what they said “Goorus” are placed in charge of spiritually powerful people to hold us down (I saw my grandmother in one Gooru’s realm). Basically it is the government’s aka G the illuminati’s astral realm for keeping down and controlling spiritually powerful

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The Uvdale School Shooting Is A Psyop And No Lil Basturds Died

The Uvdale School Shooting Is A Psyop And No Lil Basturds Died

– No fucking way 😏 That’s how you know it’s bullshit 💩👇🏻 I had to add my two cents…. And this right here – like, how the fuck…… Unlike Sand Hook, they aren’t even hiding it. It is all bullshit – from trigger happy racist ass Texan cops not shooting a wetback school shooter when right in facial distance to fake “young girls” going missing – like who make up these plotlines 🤷🏼‍♀️ It is all a psyop. According to my third eye, it did not happen. Please look up “crisis actors.” Alex Jones first exposed it when the Sandy

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They Killed Putin

They Killed Putin

Anytime you see a news article like this – G aka the illuminati done killed and cloned one of the puppet politrickians they done put on the world stage (they don’t say, “The world’s a stage” for nothing cause it’s a big fake show). My third eye shows that he has been cloned. The original Putin is being held by a giant horned reptilian hell beast and is being tortured in a really bad place in the astral plane. That’s why you don’t make deals with them motherfuckers. They get sent to awful, terrible, dreadful places even while alive (and

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Why Do Ya’ll Play The Same Mess When Ya’ll Know It Don’t Work

Why Do Ya’ll Play The Same Mess When Ya’ll Know It Don’t Work

If this creep ass bitch really don’t get the fuck on, thinking he fooling me…… There his license plate….. If he really wanted to take pics he’d be deep in that forest – not on the outskirts. This mofo showed up right after another mofo in a beige jeep popped up – and I ran out: I also saw some REAL aparent gangstalking going on around this junkie named Richard who practically raped me, sexually assaulted me while drunk awhile back…… Thru my third eye I saw that they were targeting him as well….. Not that it bothers me but

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Why I’m Thinking of ‘Wokeing Pro Lifers And Why You Should Too

Why I’m Thinking of ‘Wokeing Pro Lifers And Why You Should Too

– Sist⭐r in the comment section says it’s around 85% 😳 That said, this is why Imma start ‘wokeing the “pro life” movement and esp. the men with my patented “Rot Your Dick Off ‘Woke™” which you can purchase here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid ….Cause this is a crime. The selfish audacity of these mofos to call themselves “caping selfishly for a life” (cockroaches and plants and the meat they eat are/were living things but they ain’t caping for them 🧠🤯) and then not giving a fuck about said life/ real child once they enter the womb and get out into the world

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Raped By Public Works Workers

Raped By LA County Public Works Workers

It happened on December 13 2021 at around 10:18 am….. Imma show you the two main mofos…. He was smiling here when I was chasing him…. I covered him here….. Wetback Public Works Worker Calls Me Mop Head And One Tries To Run Me Over – I had an astral vision of a dude who fixes cars and rapes womben and his name was Alex Pacheo. Here another one. He more violent and I think he stuck a finger in me as I walked away…. Covered him here. You can see him get near violent with his supervisor…. Employees With

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Gangstalker Looks Startled While Taking Notes When I Note He Is Neighborhood Watch

Gangstalker Looks Startled While Taking Notes When I Note He Is Neighborhood Watch

And here another skirting off….. At one point while filming about someone informing me how my “rot your dick off ‘woke” actually worked on someone and caused them to CONSTANTLY ITCH THEIR DICK TILL IT BLED (you can get it on Etsy), I saw him writing observations (it’s not clear on this bonk ass cell camera) and when I said, “You’re neighborhood watch” he looked up STARTLED! Here the abridged version….. I sense this neighborhood watch – fucking losers – hire mofos who can’t be hired elsewhere if they are just regular people or rich assholes who like to satanically

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Employees With Traffic Control and Los Angeles Department of Water And Power Call Me A Hoe and A Nigger

Employees With Traffic Control and Los Angeles Department of Water And Power Call Me A Hoe and A Nigger

Here are a few culprits….. I believe it was either him….. or him…… That referred to me as a hoe, offsetting this…… This one here refused to show me his badge number…… And this one here tried to fight me AND his supervisor….. – He later referred to me as the n word, which he muttered under his breath, and something else that insinuated that I am a sex worker (when I asked one of their names as can be heard on tape he said his name is “John”). He was also tripping on my MAGA hat, after calling me

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