I will be calling men “dick demons” from now on…..

I believe it is time to have a serious conversation on men and what we must do with them. Men are a threat to the planet and womynkind and the Divine Feminine and must be eliminated.

Thereby I will be looking to the methods utilised by the late great serial killer, Aileen Wuornos and famed dick cutter Lorena Bobbitt on how to deal with these dick demons….

Deity Syncing

Deity Syncing

There’s a new phenomenon that I’ve coined call: deity syncing Basically – and this is before my FULL awareness of how the Demiurge tries to fuck up things… I sincerely believed that maybe – just maybe – the deities who I felt were getting attached to me were doing so cause I have a rare ability, something most mortals don’t have which is to serve as a “conduit to the gods”. Now, I don’t think so. I discuss those experiences here… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30010″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Sexual Predator of Malibu Anthony Allen Files Privacy Complaint For Showing License Plate He Says Ain’t His

Sexual Predator of Malibu Anthony Allen Files Privacy Complaint For Showing License Plate He Says Ain’t His

***UPDATE*** Now this mofo just age restricted a video in which I EXPOSED how his privacy complaint correlates to him being the perp: – How guilty, and dumb… can you get? I swear these mofos are stupid… Got this last night. He filed a privacy complaint to remove a youtube video for showing a LICENSE PLATE HE CLAIMS AIN’T HIS! From experience, to file a privacy complaint, YOU MUST SHOW THAT THE THING YOU ARE FILING A PRIVACY COMPLAINT BELONGS TO YOU (OR IN THE CASE IF YOUR FACE OR PERSON IS SHOWN) IS YOU. Here is a screenshot of

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Stalked By Crazy Racist Psycho NARCISSIST Youtube Troll Jim Domen aka Jim Herbertson

Stalked By Crazy Racist Psycho NARCISSIST Youtube Troll Jim Domen aka Jim Herbertson

This bitch go by many names, including at one point, Liv Domen. As to WHY he would wanna go up against a “sensitive” psychic is BEYOND ME!! But… this is the type of shit you gotta watch out for when you make youtube videos. Back in the day, it used to be these mofos – who would comb through Entertainment Weekly like Robert John Bardo who murdered up and coming actress (I know this out of form but I wonder if she hit the casting couch?) Rebecca Schaeffer back in the 80s: HOLY SHIT!! THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE THAT P.O.S.

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How The Illuminati Attacks Messiah Seeds

How The Illuminati Attacks Messiah Seeds

That featured image is what they trying to get me to do! I’ll explain later… There’s many ways they do this: They can defame a person, target them like crazy (hence the term, “targeted individual”), have people call them crazy, alienate them, isolate them so as to make them THINK they are crazy. Then, if those fail – they go to the “recruitment stage” which can sometimes be before the “character assassination” stage in which – as they are trying to do with me through their spiritually providing me visioms of my being the Antichrist (After all, my “Expression Number”

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I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision

I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision

No amount of money would make me wanna go where this old bastard’s going… Not him (that’s Jacob Rotschild): PEEP SOME MORE INTERESTING FACTS I JUST FOUND OUT WHILE RESEARCHING HIM… He runs the J. Rotschild Assurance Group – WHAT KIND OF SHIT? The deception’s obvious in the various names… the fuck does an “assurance group” do to earn TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS (means they’re using it as a FRONT COMPANY) and NOTE they say that FORBES NEVER COVERS THEM AND THUS EXPOSE HOW THEY MAKE THEIR FORTUNES… HIM:   Or her, she’s Baroness Philippine Mathilde Camille de Rothschild (Pretentious ass

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This Is Why I Keep ALOT of Mofos Away From Me

This Is Why I Keep ALOT of Mofos Away From Me

Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29973″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Second part cause a DUMB BEAK NOSED MOFO made me lose concentration as you’ll see in the vid: ….Cause many people don’t mean me good like this mofo over here… BALD HEADED BITCH! I’ve been cursing mofos who come up to me for that topless shit (BITCH, IT’S HOT! Let me be topless IN PEACE) AND IMMA START CURSING THEIR ASSES, TOO!Β  Like this bald headed bastard who I RAN UP THE STREET, LOL! Anyways, mentally ill people like veritas entrepreneurship of Ma’at (screenshots coming soon…), Stephen Martin (THIS WHAT I WAS

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Google ILLEGALLY Takes Down Youtube Channel After I Complain About Their Refusal To Accept My DMCA Complaint

Google ILLEGALLY Takes Down Youtube Channel After I Complain About Their Refusal To Accept My DMCA Complaint

Not too long after writing this: Youtube ILLEGALLY Won’t Accept Submissions From My Email IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT DMCA Law   I GOT HIT WITH THIS!!! It says AT THE TOP OF THE EMAIL in case you haven’t caught it that my channel was TERMINATED Note WHEN THE ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN vs WHEN MY ACCOUNT GOT TERMINATED! Google, keep the EVIDENCE ROLLING!!!!  

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Dudes Banging Bongo Drums To Curse Me Or Seek Favor From Yemaya

Dudes Banging Bongo Drums To Curse Me Or Seek Favor From Yemaya

Here the vid: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29969″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I NOTICED RIGHT WHEN I OPENED MY CAR DOOR… they STOPPED, hence why I thought they were maybe cursing me (I’m kinda well known around here)… Anyways, I threw cards on it… From what I can read, it was a ritual to Yemaya (2 days ago I saw a white flower – one of her colors – 3 seashells that looked STORE BROUGHT and a DEAD SEAGULL which coulda been a sacrifice hence why I say ALOT of occult rituals go down in Malibu and this was the smaller

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Undercover LA Sheriffs or Park Ranger Watches As I Take Spiritual Bath

Undercover LA Sheriffs or Park Ranger Watches As I Take Spiritual Bath

I noticed him watching for a good 30 minutes. Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29954″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now, note that HE LEAVES after I walk across the street (show over!). That’s weird! I’ve had visions of shit going down. Myself and a friend going back to 2014 had a vision of ne getting raped by the cops. Recently, while in jail I had a vision of them raping me, three of them to be exact (which seems symbolic). I also had children for each of them, which really seems symbolic. I had another where I was driving a fancy, grey

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Cops of LAPD Wilshire Division Harass Me For Being Topless

Cops of LAPD Wilshire Division Harass Me For Being Topless

Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29920″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] These dudes never bother me so I dunno what’s up! I called for a sergeant. This shit was kinda funny, honestly! P.S. that sarge that showed up is a pervert. I know my reputation precedes me so I’m quite certain ALOT of cops signed up to work that area since they know I’m there alot, ALOT of the PERVERTED ONES WHO WORK FIG I BET, LOL! The sarge tried to arrest me, WOULDN’T EVEN LET ME FILE THE COMPLAINT WHICH IS WHAT I CALLED EN FOR DUE TO A BIAS (WHICH IS

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