dropping the latest info on ufos and shit….
Before I begin I wanna say something. I always talk about how I been Soul swapped. While perusing for material for my Kanye West Addidas-black card vid which I plan to post here tomorrow. I just posted the third vid today due to delays by that Maria Parafin or Tavarez, highest self I been battling here: Psychic Attack By Maria Parafin Caused Me Not To Post Yesterday I document it here: https://toplessinla.org/category/psychic-attacks-coming-from-san-miguel-archangel-botanica-at-8704-broadway-south-central/ I got an Estevez, I think this woman here’s name is Estevez, I think and wonder if this the woman I heard who sacrificed me (I gotta be
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There was something called Project Bluebeam that is sorta akin to this in that it mentions a fake ufo light show before “G” sets out to destroy the world….. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_bluebeam02.htm ….It’s funny because awhile back a sister was communicating with me that she had a “dream” about seeing these squidward looking reptilians returning back to where they came…. For clarification on this I used my third eye and saw exactly what I said above: Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship
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π§π»ββοΈπͺπ¦ #TilianSquad Somebody will lose that RV being a fucking pervert. This one here, defending them public works rapist, he’s gonna have to go ππ»π¦π₯π§π»ββοΈπͺ Them too ππ»π¦ππ§π»ββοΈπͺ With that said, see, I am not like your average nigga. I got reptilian in my bloodline – which everybody does. But not just any reptilian, the reptilians who rule the world π§π»ββοΈπͺπ« Breaking Free of Generational Curses From A Reptilian Bloodline And A Raped Slave Ancestor I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision – It’s the same ones who created the Rothschilds. That said, during the
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Funny cause it is believed aliens occupy the dark side of the moon….. This looks like hell, Tower of Babel….. That said let me tell you the truth about this triangle as seen thru my third eye….. Spirit World Sending Messages: Triangle Formed Right By My Car – I was getting possessed by those mofos here now I know….. Why The Reptilians Hate And Fuck With The Most Reptilian Hybrids They were blocking my heart chakra so I couldn’t come into my power….. NOTE the triangle superimposed on where my heart chakra is…… For the longest period of time –
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Before I begin I notice that demons have been low key making themselves known to me…… Here is the sigil of baphomet appearing via manipulation of the lights in my van…… Here his sigil…… Here the baphomet….. And just today a demon, reptilian, pazuzu (?) made an appearance….. – Note the various facial expressions it makes……. Here is how pazuzu looks….. Alot of it is cause I have been making progress with cleansing myself inwardly mainly and freeing myself of all these entities that have been occupying my right side…… That said just the other night I saw a blatant
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This was weird….. Look like a crown above this red moon…. Here is a better picture….. Funny cause a friend of mine was talking about the moon being a satellite for aliens which is a major belief online……
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You can see the manipulation allll throughout this video here….. ….You can see it allll throughout….. That said as I have said before ?? Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians Mexicans and South Americans Resonate With The Satanic Energy Here are some perfect examples: it is like whatever is going on with me spiritually they reflect it…… The second vid esp. infers this…. As if – as I have said before
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Damn, that’s an alien in the background. Wow….. It is strange that this mofo actually exists and I didn’t know this name until this astral projection experience last night: https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Akiel This was real cause when I awoke I HEARD knocking – 3 knocks – on my van but no one was around…. That said I was in my childhood room and I started pushing away a “white girl” wearing a sailor moon Japamese school girl outfit with blonde hair and black eyes who started saying from what I best recall, “Please don’t get rid of me” till I pushed it
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I noticed that when they came last night – I saw shadows outside where no one was – my light started flickering on and off repeatedly…… I saw at least with one homeless – a male heroin addict – that he was Soul scalped aka had his Soul replaced with that of a powerful un-Earthly witch (I sensed she had red hair) perhaps to help him overcome his addiction and self destructive ways. In my case one of those “sacrificing giant heads” was removed that was causing me alot of great harm and was keeping me stuck…… I’ve talked about
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That explains this ?? Degenerate Meth Prostitute Gets Into A Fight With Me Over Calling Out Her Nasty Mexican Tricks For Sexual Harassment NOTE it looks like an alien much like the “demon” Aleister Crowley called himself summoming named “Lam”. Note it also got the name “Shava” which is mad similar to the hindu goddess of destruction, Shiva…… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva#Shaivism οΏΌ Here is Lam: That’s why I say alot of shit that plagues your life starts in the spirit realm. I was just watching a video about Bill Vaile – a NASA employee who had a bitch who he hired to
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