Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
I am never wrong. Cause of my intuitive, psychic senses…. you can’t tell me shit cause I am always right! Cause of this….. As I was adjusting myself in my minivan I caught these half bred, looking like Wally Szczerbiak from the Minnesota Timberwolves and his darker skinned knee-grow pal jump up, anticipating see “the topless lady.” Instead they got a militant feminazi (yeah, call me that, niggaz) who called they asses out on their expression of male patriarchl misogyny…. and got the fuck right after ???? Then these mofos….. I SWEAR to the Goddess (Me) I heard them arguing
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Crazy that this happens as I heal. As you will notice in the vid nothing of note was happening – not even I: That said, black helicopters have long been associated with black governmental projects….. http://what-when-how.com/conspiracy-theories-in-american-history/black-helicopters/ https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2020/03/04/whats-going-those-black-helicopters-york-county-skies/4950485002/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/16/historys-greatest-conspiracy-theories/black-or-unmarked-helicopters/ – And that they maybe organic. I hope whoever wrote this is serious cause some of the shit they state like nanotechnology is true….. https://zapatopi.net/blackhelicopters/ This was one of those conspiracy sites from back in the day and I notice they are letting it thrive (instead of suppressing it like they do so many REAL sites)….. …..and it is no coincidence
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This no sleep reddit article perfectly explains it…. https://amp.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/fcwd7i/i_discovered_the_horrifying_reason_why_men/ I screenshot in case they remove it the entire article cause it is important to read: That said, men are innate predators. It is in their very nature: Like with wetbacks, there is no arguing about it. It’s facts. As I broke down here….. Missy Misdemeanor Ellitot No Man GLOW Proves Men Are NATURAL Energy Vampires And esp. here….. The REAL Reason Why This World Hates Women Crazy thing is, right after I wrote this article mentioning I got rid of a “soul piece” archon that created sexual desire
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Peep how the demiurge on the right created and got all those roots connected to that human body = tomb created by the demiurge to imprison the human Soul your True Identity! You know I always say Sol which is the latin word for Sun equals Soul – from whence the spelling for “Soul” derives – for a reason…… They letting us know our Souls – us, who we are – is God, the one True God which are aspects of The Source ? I have also heard people say, since planets and stars are alive and full actionably conscious
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Hear the video version….. Lordt, where do I begin: THIS the mofo who is after him, fucking with him, causing him to have obsessive thought patterns that lead to him committing suicide! It looks alot like this in the face – all screwed up. I think it is some former samurai human turned demon which is abysmally sad and why focus should really focus on what is happening with their loved ones in the “after-life” aka astral so you can make sure they are really at peace rather than lying to yourselves and convincing yourselves (selfishly) that they are
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This where I covered him: https://toplessinla.org/2021/03/25/crakkka-who-i-sense-to-be-a-cop-with-chp-shoots-at-me-for-rejecting-him/ I got sources…. ????? https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1061082/ https://www.themoviedb.org/person/1378244-toby-bronson?language=en-US Fucking Hellyweird douchebag entitled mofo! He ain’t even on the level of Harvey Weinstein, trying to act like him tho. he look like him: Calling me a fucking crackhead. I ESP. HATE Hellyweird entitled douchebag mofos….. Well, he about to find out can’t judge a book by it’s cover…. or project with his ole raggedy ass car! Wannabe. And Imma be honest with ya – living out here in Malibu and being around these rich entitled assholes I have developed a hatred for them. Same with Hollywood Sellebrities
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Turns out he is an “actor” named Toby Bronson and also goes by Toby Brownstone: The Asshole Who Shot At Me Is A Hellyweird Child Sacrificing Actor Named Toby Bronson This is why I am militant against men: I have been raped, stabbed….. And still I stand strong and stand my ground. You will not come around here treating me like I am a fucking piece of meat, gawking at me, staring at me like I ain’t shit, like I am supposed to be objectified cause of how you perceive me! You will not do that shit with me. Imma
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I am cursed and truly confused…… After some events that took place today – I feel that that demon that is trying to become my soulpiece, that reptilian, may not be a bad idea to assimilate within me. See, in my past lives I have been raped, killed for reporting it (which is what spawned inner self destructive feelings and thus demons which I have eliminated from within me). I like the respect – and fear – I won’t lie – that I commanded during my satanic period; tapping into that inner depth of hatred, moroseness, and
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I have been saying it over…. I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns and over….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians And over ad nauseum….. Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil Mexicans and South Americans Resonate With The Satanic Energy This man’s book here….. Confirms it….. – The Mayans are who the wetbacks derive from….. I am never wrong. That is why I don’t back down
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