Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Astral Vision Shows Wetback Ass CHP Officer Plots To Rape Me In 7 Days

Astral Vision Shows Wetback Ass CHP Officer Plots To Rape Me In 7 Days

Alright, before I begin, let me talk about these @lacountyparks employees….. These wetbacks wouldn’t do this shit to a white woman…… I can’t stand these mofos! I noticed that it’s these mofos – including a light skinned fat one with a beard – who be walking all up on my fucking van, esp. the back windows which aren’t tinted – staring in! I noticed this behaviour just today when the skinny one, while pretending to be sweeping “trash”, looking in until I looked dead at him and the other one driving as I start walking in his path – showing

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13signsastrology Ra Imhotep And Why Making Deals With ANY Entities Is A Bad Thing

13signsastrology Ra Imhotep And Why Making Deals With ANY Entities Is A Bad Thing

He fucked up here….. The main shit is spirits gotta get fed and they’ll cause your ass to have all sorts of addictions to feed them as can be seen with Ra Imhotep: As with me. When these things get into you and become a part of you as per real possession they cause you to act in ways that are unlike you as was the case with me when I would succumb to alcohol urges they would induce while in me, that would resultantly lower my vibration and cause me to attract skeevy malignant people who were wayyyy below

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This Is Where Associating With White People Gets You

This Is Where Associating With White People Gets You

? The worst of it for me is….. what happened to Ra Imhotep aka 13signsastrology on Youtube….. – You can hear the lil white bastard in the background at the end as this bland ass saltine crakkka music plays….. I took vid in case his channel ever gets taken down….. And this is him with a black woman, longer and more informative videos, better appearance….. They drain us of energy like vampires ??‍♂️

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The Psychology and Training of White People and Their Lapdogs The Wetbacks

The Psychology and Training of White People and Their Lapdogs The Wetbacks

The wetbacks aren’t as bad but, based on a few instances – such as their tendency, like all non black men, to tell the black womban to shush when she is in a righteous fight instead of backing her up – needed to be included….. I won’t say much but instilling fear is key to coexisting with these mofos cause it brings respect….. by any means necessary as Malcolm X would say: Also, be selfish with your space and energy as black people as the jews do ??

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White Supremacist Caught Masturbating Tries To Attack Black Lady

Daygo Wop White Supremacist Caught Masturbating Tries To Attack Black Lady

NOTE this perverted mofo wanted to go up against me while I wore my skirt (when I came back later with my pants he closed that door quick lol): Here the full video: Cops show up later….. Looka them eyes….. bitch calling me a crackhead but look like he do crack! I check these crakkkas AND wetbacks (who aren’t as bad but as you can see here we must not forgot they are agents, lapdogs of white supremacy since they think they whyte and wannabe white) for a reason…. Listen as this THING masculinates me, calling me a “sissy” –

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I Spray A Wetback In The Face With Raid And Deputies Arrest Me For A Felony and Try To Get Trustees To Jump Me In Jail FULL STORY

I Spray A Wetback In The Face With Raid And Deputies Arrest Me For A Felony and Try To Get Trustees To Jump Me In Jail FULL STORY

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???? – Looka those things in the light? That looks like a whole portal sorry cause in none of the other light pics like below do you see that…… – That past one when he reaches out looks like a whole skeleton….. I should turn over the vid….. Nah, fuck them as I said in the email ?? That being said, this shit here….. Fucking deputies like this racist white supremacist crakkka ass deputy refused to even watch my video….. – He don’t look like a deputy he look like a got 15 bodies underneath the

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Why I Gotta Do What I Gotta Do To These Non Black Men

Why I Gotta Do What I Gotta Do To These Non Black Men

If you are wondering what is up with my long time hiatus (for a week) from social media, it is because I was in jail. That said there is a reason why I gotta do what I gotta do (if I were a white girl I wouldn’t have to explain or even be in this situation as said by a jewish dude who noted the more humane treatment of a shirtless white girl further down the pch)…… ….And notice this stalking mofo coming right back again. The reason why I landed in jail is because in part due to dehumanizing,

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Tony Vera and Peggy Kane Actor-vist Azz Need To Stop BLINDLY Caping For The Homeless

Tony Vera and Peggy Kennedy Actor-vist Azz Need To Stop BLINDLY Caping For The Homeless

I wanna slap the shit outta that insincere fat shamu landwhale ? also known as Peggy Kane…. back into the ocean where her fat ass belongs. These mofos are impossible ??‍♀️ They out here beating his ass and he still caping for their bullshit: Tony a simple minded mofo. That is one sincere observation I can make. That said I break down here why all sides need to become more nuanced on the issue….. Look up the Great Reset: The Covid Destruction of Businesses Is Meant To Set Up For The Great Reset Aka Hunger Games

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