Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
White Supremacist Wannabe Slavemaster Crakkka Jealous That I Am With A Black Man Puts Me On Felony Charges

White Supremacist Wannabe Slavemaster Crakkka Jealous That I Am With A Black Man Puts Me On Felony Charges

Thought he mighta been the dude who works at Vons in the meat department and I went in there to check the tattoo….. This guy has a rose tattoo (lol 😂🤣) in the back of his head….. Cops showed….. He is one GHOULISH looking motherfucker. During the period where I was like Imma cut dicks off (now I just use black magick to rot them off via my new patented Dick Rot ‘Woke™) this crakkka showed up as they did during the days of slavery wherever blacks gathered and thinking that, as they still do, that black women are their

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Archon Demiurge Gangstalking Organic Portal FLEES At My Singing My Anti Demiurge Song

Archon Organic Portal Gangstalker Playing Sting’s “If I Ever Lose My Faith In You” FLEES When I Sing My Anti-Demiurge Song

I put my pic in cause YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE A WHITE AURA AROUND ME WITH WHITE LIGHT ASCENDING TO THE SKY! I am a true spiritual being cause I am Soulled (Sol = Soul = Sun 🌞)! Before I begin….. Here this heaux’s insta-heaux, dumbass HEAUX! https://www.instagram.com/norwegian_vixen/ I had to put ‘woke 🧙🏻‍♀️💀 on this wide supremacist bitch who dismissively said, “If I didn’t want to be cursed, just end it” or something like that. So I sent the shit HER WAY so she’ll learn the sadistic shit that I am dealing with ole unempathetic, compassionate-less bitch! Just cause

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The Reason Why The Demon Seeds of Quetzalcoatl Are Worse Than Whites Could EVER BE

The Reason Why The Demon Seeds of Quetzalcoatl Are Worse Than Whites Could EVER BE

Damn, they are telling whites to straight up breed out to extinction….. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/09/09/americas-shrinking-white-population-needs-to-value-youthful-diversity/ White people do the shit that they do – and understandibly so – out of fear out white genetic annhilation. I don’t like those motherfuckers….. but I undetstand. You can read more about Dr Francis Cress Welsing’s postulations on fear of white genetic annhilation here: https://www.africaglobalradio.com/dr-frances-welsing-white-supremacy-is-rooted-in-fear-of-genetic-annihilation/ ….However, with the wetback, it’s their bloodline making their propensities innate…… John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians Why Mexicans and Latinos Are

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The Symptoms of Reptilian Possession

The Symptoms of Reptilian Possession

I’m gonna say, when you try to get away from/exorcise these things, they are JEALOUS! They will send people who operate on their vibrational frequency to attack you that carry their sigil such as a couple – black and hispanic wearing the sigils of satan and lucifer – who went off at me when parked at a stoplight. As of right now, as I write this, as I try to get rid of one in me, I can hear it in it’s hissing voice saying, “I’ve done everything for you, I brought you your van (No, he fucking didn’t), etc.”

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Lesbian Couple Watch Out For Death Curse From Jealous Mexican Dude

Lesbian Couple Watch Out For Death Curse From Jealous Mexican Dude

There’s times where when I do my readings I am tapping into a specific person’s energies for a reason…. – It’s gonna be either a Mexican couple or interracial – one white, other Mexican – couple in their 40’s, like 45. A dude is gonna send it your way. Here is my Youtube tarot channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCO4wSmfU339fx9JxiLJIEiQ I also have an Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThirdEyeReadings22?ref=seller-platform-mcnav If you want me to put a curse on his dick and worse, go here….. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid

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Gangstalker Looks Startled While Taking Notes When I Note He Is Neighborhood Watch

Gangstalker Looks Startled While Taking Notes When I Note He Is Neighborhood Watch

And here another skirting off….. At one point while filming about someone informing me how my “rot your dick off ‘woke” actually worked on someone and caused them to CONSTANTLY ITCH THEIR DICK TILL IT BLED (you can get it on Etsy), I saw him writing observations (it’s not clear on this bonk ass cell camera) and when I said, “You’re neighborhood watch” he looked up STARTLED! Here the abridged version….. I sense this neighborhood watch – fucking losers – hire mofos who can’t be hired elsewhere if they are just regular people or rich assholes who like to satanically

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How To Connect To Your Soul Heritage To Break Free of The Demiurge Archon Matrix and Reincarnation Trap

How To Connect To Your Soul Heritage To Break Free of The Demiurge Archon Matrix and Reincarnation Trap

The man’s name is Alex Collier. HERE IS THE VID I WAS THINKING OF (finally found it cause they shadowbanned it and I could only find it via subscribing to him): Here are some of his old interviews….. Here is his Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/c/AlexCollierOfficial This also can be used to disconnect from the demiurge matrix consciousness trap in which the demiurge, archons and organic portals feed off of us as food…..

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– SAY: UPDATE: HE IS A PEDOPHILE! I saw him thru my third eye carrying a boy’s backsack that was black in the middle and light on the outside for him while feeling on him, like pinching the lil boy. THIS MOFO A PEDOPHILE! Watch out for this pedophile faced serial killer/serial rapist ass mofo….. Watch this motherfucker. He’s been stalking me for months, one time shouting, “Take off your clothes” and one time when I got back at him he gave me this look of death as if how dare you get me back while I try to gain

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I Finally Found The Surefire Way To Defeat The Reptilians Using The Third Eye

I Finally Found The Surefire Way To Defeat The Reptilians Using The Third Eye

It’s so nice not to feel manipulated at certain points again. You take out their Soul and lifeforce, it’s a wrap for them! As explained here: – You tell your third eye like you would a person but inwardly that you wanna see the cocksucker (reptilian/archon) that is harassing you THEN….. TELL IT TO OPEN IT’S CROWN CHAKRA OR TOP OF HEAD AND THEN REMOVE IT’S SOUL AND LIFEFORCE! I did that to one who tried to merge with my Soul after I cut of all of it’s other avenues of supply (alcohol and toxic people) and DAMN did I

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Seeing Yah The Demiurge While Attempting To Rescue My Brother

Seeing Yah The Demiurge While Attempting To Rescue My Brother

This is how that bastard looks….. I used my third eye along with breathing exercises to try to do a Soul rescue of my baby brother as I felt in my heart chakra he wasn’t in a good place as described here: Archon Attacks And Could My Brother Have Been Turned Into A Reptilian I saw this place as drawn in the first image above in which I saw that entity pictured there on a throne wearing a glass mask on it’s head surrounded by flames. This literally reminds me of the drawing of the “demon” that Aleister Crowley summoned

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