Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
What part of “get the fuck outta here” that neandeRAPE don’t understand….. If I woulda been a white woman who woulda understood and respectfully moved the fuck on but because I’m a black woman he wanted to throw hands and demand my attention like I’m a fucking slave which is why I cursed (then cursed) his crakkka ass in the first place. Talking about he woulda slashed my tires. Bitch you’d be a wheel ornament before you do that. I got the same energy from him as I did this wetback here who attacked me once…… Mexican Attacks Black Woman
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He was expecting me to take it to the street and call him all sorts of abominations as he did me….. No, Imma get you fired from your job ππ»π² And here he is….. His truck number is 661228 and he is driving USDOT 239039. He pulled up behind my van and yelled, show me your tits! So I decided to call FedEx at 901-818-7500 (the headquarters in Tennessee) and complain about his ass! I contacted them and as my mother taught me – which was to always put everything in writing – wrote an email detailing the event along
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I remember years ago a brother I know whose third eye is wide open said that there are reptilian agents who rove on social media sites like Youtube, facebook (esp. given the mofo who runs it is a full blown reptilian living in a clone of Mark Zuckerberg, whose in a hellish realm), and instagram as evidenced here….. This is an organic portal since I only saw a sacrificial head representing his “Soul” or lack thereof. NOTE the obsessiveness with my energy, constantly liking my posts (inversely when I blocked him some of my insta posts got flagged). Note his
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….Along with Nigga Creep, I named him after my newfound fav rap group from ‘Bama, cause he always creepin’ his ass up to my van then runs away when I get out…… Ya’ll gotta listen to the artist Nigga Creep. Memphis rap didn’t get it’s credit back in the day. This groundbreaking πͺπ₯ – I bump this song. EVERYTIME. I’m driving in my van. On repeat. Also earlier I thought there was a fire in Topanga Village and was wondering why the fire trucks passed it by….. The drive thru the canyon is gorgeous. Too bad they ain’t got cellphone
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There is a reason why they been heavily pushing against the 2nd amendment….. …..See, in the spiritual, they don’t want you becoming a dark worker whom can use black magick to fuck their asses up as I do all the time in Malibu…… See this Maserati here sitting in shit and piss……. Finally got that license plate, dumbass….. IT IS CA LICENSE PLATE NUMBER BLO6E31 Anyways this was the same suv that had been parking behind me, trying to get me to chase it as they ran in circles for two nights….. WELL, YOU GOT ‘WOKED BITCH HENCE WHY YOUR
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Before I begin….. see, this here….. I ‘woked THE HELL out of that wetback back to hell ππ»π₯π²π½ for having the audacity to like me and then on top of that having the nerve to approach me….. I ‘woked THE SHIT out of that roach demon seed of quetzalcoatl. How dare it. Here is it’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/custombuilt87/ These creatures know I don’t fucking like them and hate their very existence. If I had my way – and could get away with it – I’d hang this motherfucker on a tree and burn IT ALIVE! Like I said before these wetbacks
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I KNEW these mofos were gonna attack after I experienced all this shit here…. Wetback Attacks Gets Defeated By Me And Another Soulled Brother They always fucking do….. They put Soulled folks like me in material binds so that we are forced to rely upon low vibratory people thru instances created and orchestrated by archons so we’ll “need help” from these people who are not here for our higher good and esp. our spiritual evolution. A perfect example is this dude here who has helped me out with getting out of jail but is not spiritual at all and –
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I was shown a white female pop star – I don’t think it was Britney Spears, it mighta been – as well but I totally forgot. I think it was an 80s pop singer like either Tiffany or Debbie Gibson. That said, regarding Lauren Hill, I was shown two kids on a podium like pole thing similar to what Eddie Murphy had to jump over with the glass of water in “The Golden Child.” Then I got the sense that these two kids – one a young black girl and a young black boy, both dressed in private school outfits
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I noted he stopped when I said I saw his reptilian soul….. https://youtube.com/channel/UCQd5FivjPmcq-tEnGsIYzog Saw right past him….. – You don’t walk into the hood with millions of dollars worth of jewelry and not be strapped. That is analogous to being a Being of Light as I aka having a Soul which exudes light and not having a defense weapon on you to protect you from the hordes of zombies otherwise known as organic portals and low vibrational archons looking to feed off of you and steak your Light. That is why I stay strapped with so called “black” chaos magick:
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This what they get for wanting to see “the shirtless lady”, dumb motherfuckers…… He dropping a brick…… – These rich sunset mesa motherfucker cowards won’t fuck with these assholes….. CA license plate number 3VLX888 – Drug buyer….. CA license plate number 8JAY128 Last night this dude in this Maserati blue SUV (CA license plate number 8WFA190) came out to watch me cause I can hear the black kid tell baldy that I was filming….. and yeah I was π²πΈ Drug dealer…… 2nd time I done seen these mofos…… Actually the third time…… Here that lil raggedy azz car – they
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