Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
I find there are very few non hypochristians talking about this issue on Youtube so I decided to stand in and step up as a non re-ligious spiritualist! Their advice is not good anyways….. “Spirit husbands/waves” are twin flames aka archonic creations of the demiurge….. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demiurge They are fucking evil and hard to get rid off….. This what I’m dealing with….. Twin Flames Are Archon Saboteurs Meant To Keep Soulled People Down And How To Break Free of Them The Name of The Reptilian Demon Following Me Is A Past Life Ancestor Named Thanh Nguyen I Finally Rescued My Brother
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– I REMEMBER this creature. It used to get it’s ass whooped all the time on the pch, acting like a tough creature ๐น Boy this bitch legit sent the cutty black sow my way…… – Boy how she knew that was my childhood fear….. If my night vision wasn’t so bad, of I woulda been able to see that thing clearly, I woulda been RIBBING that mofo while running at the same time cause that face is the fuel of nightmares….. UGLY MOFO Here this creature’s license plate number: And his van: Call Ghostbusters if you see it ๐ป
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– Notice she keep licking her lips cause she on that meth! You can hear it here – her calling me a nigger and you can see via body language that these wetbacks she planned on using to jump me – one of whom said, “Fight me like a man” before I started recording – them things always wanna fight black women like we are men then have the nerve to lust after us with their bean bag sand bag bad built asses, hence the term beaner and why I don’t like wetbacks as explained here….. RIGHT before they showed
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THIS JUST IN ๐๐ป I think the dyke broad might be living here cause I saw this very vehicle zoom as she shouted some dumb shit as I was doing a tarot reading….. Alabama (wonder if them two were fucking cousins?) license plate number 9004BF5. Right after I left from there – as can be seen in the video above – I saw the Cutty Black Sow who I talked about here….. Racist Arab Seller Makes Good On Threat And Sends The Cutty Black Sow and Casper The Methhead Hoe In Sprinter Van They Stole My Way Park right next
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– He also when I looked up his comment thread saw a comment he made that Youtube wouldn’t approve, saying that “Even if what I said was true….” insinuating he knows this dude a fucking racist. Here is the comment whole thread….. Sick motherfucker even joke about beating kids on his profile….. – Who the fuck does that….. Here is his channel….. https://youtube.com/channel/UCAesXNOe3Kn3L7LFDZr24Rg Here one of his videos…. He also got a Twitch account which you can see here: https://m.twitch.tv/idiefirst_tv Also a Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/id1efirst Here is why he posted his comment: White Supremacist Racist Employee Named Billy Who Works For
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Back in 2018, a young lady came to me telling me that a K pop band was stealing her look, image, essence in the astral….. POS Scrubs Trying To Use Me For My Knowledge AND Spiritual Abilities – I was going through ALOT back then and I regret how I took what other people hoisted upon me out on her…. Lady Gaga did this to her “friend” Lina Morgana who “committed suicide” aka was sacrificed in 2008, stealing her image, style, etc…. Now she having nightmares of where her friend who she sacrificed is at, getting torn apart (now she
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Back in 2016, I had an incident at an artist loft that fucked me up for a loooong time….. LAPD Are REALLY Out To Get Me: The Artist Loft Incident PROOF LAPD Won’t Solve That ASSAULT Case LAPD Central Division Caught Sleeping On The Job Making Gang Signs and More – Looka these fucking wetback demon seed of Quetzalcoatl ass “cops”…. I bet if I were to call ICE at 1-866-347-2423 half them wetback ass “cops” – if not all – would be GONE ๐งน๐จ๐พ๐ฒ๐ฝ God damn illegal border hoppers….. Someone on lipstickalley even said them demon seeds do crack
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I got some disturbing shit in the astral realm last night that involved my lil two cat friends I don’t like….. See this white bitch here….. She drives a white Ford SUV that says “Topanga” at the bottom and the CA license plate number is 7HLG855. – SHE is the one who I saw fucking with them lil cats as I will mention in just a few…. Could be this wicked white hoe as well as through my third eye a blonde lady but I know folks’ Souls could look different from their physical vessels as is the case with
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It’s a continuation of what I was talking about here….. How The Image of Jesus Is Used To Destroy Soulled People And Black People Before I begin, this fat neckbeard, who was part of some homeless gangstalking operation here (I saw the person in the car across the street orchestrating this is part of the police and his last name starts with an “E” as seen through my third eye) crawled his fat ugly neckbeard ass out the tunnels of his ma’s basement to say, “He Jesus” and wanted to fight me with an ax…… He has Colorado plates. It
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Even the cops rolled up and didn’t do shut cause everyone can see what a piece of shit it is…. Dumb fuck….. This is one creepy looking ass crakkkka…. He drives a blue prius and as said in the title his CA license plate number is 7HZX429…… That said – I saw him running up Topanga past my van, get where the grey car is then run back then say, “Gotcha, nigger.” Imma do a future blog on this – but these crakkkas are really fucking intimidated by me and in large part do that gangstalking – I know they
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