Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Why President Trump Was Right To Say Mexican Men ARE RAPISTS

Why President Trump Was Right To Say Mexican Men ARE RAPISTS

Before you read this (this is unprecedented for me to do this ie a “disclaimer” cause I’m supposed to be like “Fuck your feelings” and keep it real but I wanna be real here)…. In my life, I’VE MET MANY COOL HISPANICS WHO WERE THE COOLEST PEOPLE MET WHITE FOLKS! I THINK HISPANICS ARE SOME OF THE NICEST MOST DOWN TO EARTH PEOPLE – ESP. THE MEXICANS – AND YA’LL DON’T GET ENOUGH CREDIT FOR HOW KIND YA’LL ARE (I RECALL AFTER GETTING OUT OF JAIL, SOME HISPANICS OFFERED ME BEER TO CHILL, LOL – YA’LL DON’T REALLY BE ON

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Deity Syncing

Deity Syncing

There’s a new phenomenon that I’ve coined call: deity syncing Basically – and this is before my FULL awareness of how the Demiurge tries to fuck up things… I sincerely believed that maybe – just maybe – the deities who I felt were getting attached to me were doing so cause I have a rare ability, something most mortals don’t have which is to serve as a “conduit to the gods”. Now, I don’t think so. I discuss those experiences here… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30010″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Crazy Nightmare Involving Libations and The Grigori

Crazy Nightmare Involving Libations and The Grigori

For you slow mofos who don’t know who the Grigori are, they are an “angelic race” – rather, fallen – of watchers who basically shepherd humanity much as Jesus was said in the Bible to do the same to humanity: http://www.sjgames.com/in-nomine/draft/Grigori.html Descendants of the Grigori were known to be sorcerers, sorceress, witches (like muah here!) and other very powerful people who many people feared – and loathed. They, the descendants of these “fallen angels”, “The Watchers”, Grigori could even change the human course of history. They call us the Nephilim. I believe I have some of their genes, hence why

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I Ran That Sexual Predator of Malibu Up The Street

I Ran That Sexual Predator of Malibu Up The Street

I’m so proud of myself! Maybe it’s my reptilian genetics: – My actually shapeshifted to this from that…! But something’s bubbling up in me, got me not giving a fucking and not playing around! Watch the video! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29980″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That mofos energy (He needed to be scared with his slow ass self) WAS DELICIOUS!

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The Alchemy and Power of Magickal Crystals and Stones

The Alchemy and Power of Magickal Crystals and Stones

Pardon the initial part where I had to run some sexual harassers off in the vid which you will see further down, lol!… Anyways, I want to go ahead and share some of my knowledge on stones… These are very powerful things. They can do alot of great things for you hence why I got up out of deity worship! I sincerely believe that those entities like oshun, yemaya, baron samedi are really energy suckers who suck us of our true Divine Life Power. I feel they are agents, avatars (as referred to in Hinduism in correlation to Shiva –

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Sexual Predator of Malibu Anthony Allen Files Privacy Complaint For Showing License Plate He Says Ain’t His

Sexual Predator of Malibu Anthony Allen Files Privacy Complaint For Showing License Plate He Says Ain’t His

***UPDATE*** Now this mofo just age restricted a video in which I EXPOSED how his privacy complaint correlates to him being the perp: – How guilty, and dumb… can you get? I swear these mofos are stupid… Got this last night. He filed a privacy complaint to remove a youtube video for showing a LICENSE PLATE HE CLAIMS AIN’T HIS! From experience, to file a privacy complaint, YOU MUST SHOW THAT THE THING YOU ARE FILING A PRIVACY COMPLAINT BELONGS TO YOU (OR IN THE CASE IF YOUR FACE OR PERSON IS SHOWN) IS YOU. Here is a screenshot of

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Stalked By Crazy Racist Psycho NARCISSIST Youtube Troll Jim Domen aka Jim Herbertson

Stalked By Crazy Racist Psycho NARCISSIST Youtube Troll Jim Domen aka Jim Herbertson

This bitch go by many names, including at one point, Liv Domen. As to WHY he would wanna go up against a “sensitive” psychic is BEYOND ME!! But… this is the type of shit you gotta watch out for when you make youtube videos. Back in the day, it used to be these mofos – who would comb through Entertainment Weekly like Robert John Bardo who murdered up and coming actress (I know this out of form but I wonder if she hit the casting couch?) Rebecca Schaeffer back in the 80s: HOLY SHIT!! THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE THAT P.O.S.

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Patricia Piccinini’s Sculptures Depicts Genetic Experiments At Dulce Base Nightmare Hall

Patricia Piccinini’s Sculptures Depicts Genetic Experiments At Dulce Base Nightmare Hall

As I explained here with Bilijana Djurdjevic and pizzagate and how the paintings there are actual scenes of actual tortures that took place in torture rooms as Tony Podesta hinted which you can read AND see pics of here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/24/pizzagate-part-1-proof-in-the-pictures/ I SINCERELY FUCKING BELIEVE that Piccinini’s sculptures ARE LEGIT depictions of what goes down at Nightmare Hall at Dulce Deep Underground Military Base (that shit is horrible) and other alien joint human DUMBS (Deep underground military bases) where experiments were conducted on humans). This was a human changed after genetic experiments done at an alien military joint deep underground military

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The Occult Orgins of the KKK Burqa Outfits and the Om Chant

The Occult Orgins of the KKK Burqa Outfits and the Om Chant

Whoa….. Told ya ?? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shurpanakha Peep what they wearing here: and what what I know to be necromancer demon magicians (who exist in the astral) wear here as can be seen in the 3rd season of American Horror Story’s intro – Peep the “33” in the corner left witch ??‍♀️ is the highest level of enlightenment that humanity can attain as explain in numerous, esp. khemetian (Egyptian) spiritual systems and other ancient spiritual systems around the world. I’VE SEEN ENTITIES with my own eyes who revealed WHY the KKK murdered people. It was profound insight. LISTEN! Buy vid here [purchase_link

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