Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
They are getting us prepared now… They already started with the copious amounts of violence on tv which then – and I remember this well – graduated with witnessing actual (prob. psyop tho.) beheadings on the internet, with the first being by the Isis (Notice the C.I.A. pics an ancient Egyptian goddess to represent their “islamic” pseudo creation) of the day: the Taliban, another C.I.A. backed creation – against Nick Berg whose PSYOP “ordeal” you can read about here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Berg His dad, via the C.I.A., has now earned recognition for doing small level shit now chronicled in C.I.A. owned wikipedia:
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I like raw meat. LOL! Anyways, there was a period of time where all I would literally eat is meat – but it had to be cooked and alot of that had to do with the nasty, poisoned, flouridated BOTTLED water I was drinking at the time (I also COULD NOT eat fruits or vegetables). That all changed when I found the right water to drink. Now all I eat are fruits and vegetables AND rsw meat which is actually good for you contrary to what the folks who told ya flouridated water is good for (which fucks with your
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– That howdy doody 1950s crew cut should GIVE IT AWAY (What white boys or shall I say in this case – bois – wearing that) UNLESS IT’S PART OF THEIR COP UNIFORM and that deputy out there GOT THE SAME HAIRSTYLE! This nugga wanna be with this FAGGAMUFFIN! LOL! – I can see he laughing, too cause even HE DON’T BELIEVE THE BS HE SAY, saying bs “keywords” bs “cooncious (deliberate misspelling) people” use, calling Eligio a “Master Exorcist” WHILE LAUGHING (LOL), including calling Eligio a “demon” and laughing at it! I SWEAR I seen this nugga on patrol
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I celebrate because rarely does it rain in L.A…. so I take you all on a tour of how L.A. looks on a rainy day. To add IT WAS RAINING IN TORRENTS! I also want to say I saw a rainbow. Not too long after I SAW IT, IT DISAPPEARED as if to convey a message: Notice it went away 2 mins after taping it/taking pics of it: Here’s videos of it: Here’s the rainbow: Buy all three vids here [purchase_link id=”30618″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And here’s when the rainbow went away… Here me taking a shower in the
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Okay, I peeped the differences yesterday! I noticed that after I withdrew money from my checking account, I had about as you can see $12 left. That said, this was in STARK CONTRAST with what I saw when I went to check my banking account online: IT’S IN STARK CONTRAST to what is shown on the receipt and I checked my banking account online not too soon after. What are the implications of this? Well, if you just check your online banking – like I do – for convenience you’d be thinking you still got $22 though you only have
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Reminds me of what Richard Bruce endures out in the valley after EXPOSING REPTILIANS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY71q12u4OIUJGOg5MAlttQ I noticed after my spate of reptilian articles, THIS! Buy all 4 here [purchase_link id=”30613″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] LAPD helicopters flying over me. This is by design.
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Why the fuck it says deliver arrowhead water – which numbs your brain cells – here: – I guess to keep everybody in line…. I KNEW there was something CROOKED with them asking me to give the money outright to the prosecutor or judge in a victim’s restitution case as was done here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/08/city-attorney-caught-on-tape-trying-to-get-me-to-give-her-restitution-money-in-extortion-attempt/ here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/08/06/la-county-court-and-lapd-confirms-corruption-with-bs-restitution-extortion-scheme/ and here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/09/01/l-a-county-court-revokes-my-probation-because-they-cant-steal-my-money-from-me/ Yesterday this HONEST interim judge practically stated that the VICTIMS had to be there in a victim restitution hearing to accept the money and that NO ONE ELSE CAN GET THEM TO DO IT – LEGALLY – ON THEIR BEHALF which is
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Not sure to make of it but I talk about it here: – Also, to note, I saw a CHP car pulling a BUS over (wonder what was going on with at?). That said, I had this dream/vision yesterday where I was in my old backyard and I saw three alligators and most notably one had it’s mouth unhinged like someone slit it (“loose mouth” as in talking too much?) and so I recall going inside the door and distinctly thinking I needed to protect my little brother, who is now dead (I’ll explain the significance of later). That
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WARNING: YOU MAY NEED HEADPHONES TO HEAR SINCE THESE THINGS WHICH ARE HYPERDIMENSIONAL CAN FUCK WITH YOUR ELECTRONICS AND THUS SOUND! I’m proud to say that as I increase in my psyhic powers, improving my inner, THIS is the response meaning I’m doing a good job – ESP. with exposing reptilians and all… BUT THIS IS THE TYPE OF SHIT THAT FOLLOWS! ALLL NIGHT there was a tapping or as Edgar Allen Poe would say – “rapping” – sound at my window. I feel it is an indicator that I’m getting my powers back. At one point, via etheric hearing
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Here a screenshot (it was like a small explosion WITHOUT the boom!): I noticed this last night: Though the skies gloomy, I don’t see the same thing tonight: That said, no possible light source from what I could tell was making that. Though it looked like streaks of lightening, NOTICE it does it at about every 10 second intervals letting you know it ain’t anything Earthly! UFOS can have that effect, however, and I’ve been seeing ALOT of US Military helicopters flying through here as of late: Buy all three vids here [purchase_link id=”30593″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alot of strange
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