Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
With that image I felt something peak in my sacral chakra just now which is telling me is an accurate depiction of what is happening to the souls he collected in his concentration camps on the other side…. BEFORE I BEGIN I WANT YOU ALL TO SEE HOW REAL THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE I FACE IS WHEN I LET THIS STUFF OUT: Looka them pupils…. That’s those reptilian people David Icke and Credo Mutwa talks about. It’s all in the eyez….. That being said, his ass came out of NOWHERE to fuck with me (beforehand he was stalking past my
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….I think! – You can btw see the spirits to the left (our right) coming from the spirit realm as exemplified by the ghostly light while I in the 3D fight them. I think it was designed to do so! Based on what I am knowing, finding out NOW I truly believe that the satanic phase I went thru – at least for me – was designed to, well fuck I said it here: Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants Removing Spider Web Internal Programs And Entities While Healing designed to help me
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….Lordt this shit has been a fucking ride! All this crazy shit that has been happening this week, the week before with people who have been influenced to fuck with my ass by reptilian entities, looking to keep me from coming into my power, including by organic portal satanists or shall I say ‘aintanists – here are two examples: – You can FEEL the jealousy and just complete evil – he was arguing and being a pompous condescending dickhead to others in the comment section – coming from him! Via my third eye I saw he molests his daughters and
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LOL @ that title! I was gonna start this off with regret but…. I’m actually happy I did the shit I did! ? You know, most organic portala talk of living ‘dey best life and living life to the fullest but…. do they really? Do they really live their best life by living their TRUEST? Do they really live their TRUEST life beyond the constraints of social pressure? Most of these mofos don’t even know themselves so to know what the fuck “they best life” is! That being said onto the “shit”show…. Before I begin tho what in the organic
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Smdh ??♀️ They REALLY pushing hard to lead us into martial law and this NWO agenda. Read this as a primer: The Corona Virus Fake Scare Is Designed To Lead Us Into Martial Law Then Agenda 21
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Before I begin…. as I show in the video I WANT YA’LL TO HEAR THIS….. My spiritual people maybe able to hear it but – this where folks think folks like myself are crazy – after coming out of a deep, PROFOUND meditation last night, I ‘woke early this morning to hear someone talking shit, saying, “mustang, gooo gooooo” over and over. So I looked around and I SWEAR I thought what turned out to be an Asian lady as you will see in the vid was either a black dude (I sensed it) or cholo singing it! However,
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I bet they been listening to me…. I put a spell of protection on em so if a wetback touches em they or one of their familia will end up in the underworld…. I also put ‘woke on my social media platforms to keep they asses off…. More of us are getting it…. All I gotta say is Ase ✊? That being said, LET ME SHOW you how much they, those reptilian demonic organic portal vessel thangz hate us – Peep how they don’t attack this white man as he attacks one of their bitches or shall I say la
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This collage that I put together is veey profound…. You can see her due to trauma and contracts I feel that “I” in the past life made with the reptilians is trapped behind a glass with a depressing backdrop of a gloomy sky while flanked by a reptilian who, due to being low vibratory, has it’s colours subdued while she has her foot in the river’s water leading to freedom…. What an inadvertent euphemism and I was subconsciously set to put this together…. Wow….. Wow lol…. WOW Check out the size of that ding a ling – pole, stick lol!
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It ain’t no easy path and it ain’t no fucking flowers and shit….
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I swear up and fucking down just now there was an evil spirit upon me that was turning everyone against me, like out the fucking blue, like organic portals saying dumb shit like this white bitch near the porta potties last night (don’t need to mention wetbacks cause we know what those thangz are ????) and then a public ‘wokes employee – an asshole supervisor who has fucked with me before and had a dog running loose around there for use in dog fights – said as soon as I parked ACROSS the street from him that he was gonna
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