Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry I can go on….. That said if you aren’t black and you a dude who comes up to me Imma stab you in self defense or worse….. That’s why I keep the energy around here black and esp. keep the wetbacks OUT! How dare these other mofos wanna partake in the black womban sexually but yet see us as dudes….. If you ain’t a black man if you wanna come to me, stay
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Given all the shit happening with the fake covid pLandemic and it being unconvered that this shit is fake given the hospital rooms are empty and they are laying off staff, nurses….. This doctor confirms it is a hoax: This nurse got sick off a vaccine Yet they lie….. What I am about to say I think is gonna be a psyop! I saw this twice in the astral! That means some shit gonna go down but it may get averted! I was brought to my mom’s work in my child form just like she would occassionally when
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Like I said here….. Ya’ll Dumbasses Are Laughing Yourselves Straight Into George Orwell’s 1984 Ya’ll are some stupid mofos I swear….. I caught a few wetbucks talking about attacking a native black woman on her soil, our soil (look up copper colored indians to see what I mean)….. – Don’t be fooled by the slavic (fake) name, that is a demon seed….. Here more ILLEGAL WETBACKS talking of harming a native Black American woman: …….. These are the copper coloured indians = us, Black Native Americans….. And here these demon seeds killing Americans for being homeless when their illegal asses
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I don’t know about you all but I liked 2020. For me 2016 was the terrible year – eviction, etc. And even that didn’t last that long. 2020 in numerology adds up to 4 which in numerology resonates with “traumatic endings and beginnings.” 2021 resonates with, when added up, to the # 5 meaning “movement” in mumerology. I did alot of healing and archon removal all 2020. I have a strong sense that 2021 will be a better year at least for me but I sense the powers that be are gonna orchestrate some bull on a mass scale so
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!!!!Update!!!! ….I was pregnant…. I knew something was wrong when my pussy stank…. When I was getting fatter, I couldn’t shit cause my womb was filling out (even tho. I had to go!)! I had a dream (better yet nightmare) in which I was in a church and I saw a priest who was the priest for my old middle school there with another man telling me to save the “child” aka PARASITE that was growing in me. But the old hag aka baba yaga wasn’t having it! Though she couldn’t take it out</strong> I awoke and used the
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Remember how they “installed” Gucci Mane, his clone, as a test subject to see how an unwitting and unsuspecting (well people kniw something wasn’t right about “him”) populace will receive an obvious clone of Gucci Mane. I guess in prep for this blog post my subconscious was playing “Traphouse 3” ALLL last night and I couldn’t understand why: – She his handler! Another victim of this I touched on is Kanye West: Hollywood Reporter ADMITS Kanye West’s Blonde Hair SHOWS that He IS UNDER MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military
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I decided to do this cause I ruminated on this, bullshit, some misogynist flaggot at reddit who don’t like my post (I sense a wetback) who, just as they do in their own fucking cult-ure, don’t like uppity women – I mean looka how this demon seed calls me a “man” for being outspoken and strong in my convictions: Like alot of them demon seeds I sense, their simple minded low vibratory minds can’t handle “Oh, topless woman – she supposed to be available for sex and be fun and nasty”…. BITCH I DON’T LIKE YOUR KIND FIRST OFF! I
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The writing here, how IT refers to whites, gave IT away…. These mofos are STUUPID! ….It WISHES to be white as it’s reptilian creator Quetzalcoatl used to shapeshift into a white man! LOL! That said – these mofos – aside from the contradictions, all the stuff I have covered before – since they know I am keen to em, stupidly, like their reptilian creators, they are now trying to pass themselves off at least online as another race to “get into my good graces” aka siphon energy….. Then another demon seed comes on my instagram after I blocked the wannabe
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These here are coming from an LAPD cop named Melvin Tisdale who works outta the LAPD Central Division (he also told me he works for SWAT): Scary huh? Esp. that first email! Back in 2017 while living in the shelter, he told me over the phone which you can hear here that prostitutes aka sex workers can’t get raped which his predatory black ass told to a young traumatized black lady who got raped by, of course, a wetback demon seed of Quetzalcoatl (this is why I hate them – their behaviour opens my and other folks eyes to what.
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That said I did this vid before lsd rescued me from the pit of this demonic cycle…. But before I begin early this morning in the astral realm I got a confirmation that what a Cuban shaman saying how my dad is of a royal, probably even non human (not reptilian) non Earthly heritage was – I was in my childhood home on my old childhood block in New Orleans East and I saw my dad giving me his ring and when I looked closely it had this Egyptian painting on it, at least very similar and I got the
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