Alright, watch this video that I did here the other day…..
That said, let me emphasize – tho. I was topless – the wetbawk GOT THE FUCK OUT cause I consciously did something with my energy where he could not access it.
The moment he could not feed he fled!
It reminded me of what these two folks spoke of when talking on battling organic portals….
Sans the anti-meat speech, everything they say is on point ??
With that being said, the other night around new years I had the opportunity to talk with a cholo. Everything I been saying about them lines up as can be seen how he reacted as I talk about here:
His response and not his words let me know I was telling the truth…..
Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians
I said no lies here…..
How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them
Before I begin talking on how to protect yourself from em, let me breakdown something I have known – and been saying – for a long time…..
The Mexicans South Americans and Central Americans Are Under A Reptilian Curse
– Damn, even back then I had Quetzalcoatl pic up lol!
Alright, I been saying for the longest that cause of their bloodline and cause of their creator, Quetzalcoatl, Mexicans and South Americans are lit bound to an archon curse. This explains why they get stuck being slaves to very low vibratory behaviors like excessive drinking (something I suffer from via urges but nowhere near as bad as em), obsessive preoccupation with sex etc. These are designed to keep esp. their Soulled ones from evolving their spiritual gifts while getting them wound up and caught in the insidious cycle of focusing on the material and entrapping them to feeding these insidious archon beings (many of which manifests as t-rex’s, reptilians, etc. as I’ve seen via ny third eye) that I sense are allowed to invade their bodies and attach to em via their bloodline.
I strongly sense that cause of my ancient Egyptian bloodline (we were the Anunnaki) due to from what a friend saw and the carian (aka Egyptian god Ra) entities they dealt with (the carians begot the reptilians) I have some resonnance that I sense allows them more so with me to fuck with me – I also keep seeing that Egyptian god of the dead Anubis popping up with me a whole lot and, as I have explained before, these “gods” are matrix agents designed to control us:
Damn that crocodile creature in the last row scares THE FUCK outta me….
They the main archons that be fucking with me, ROYAL!
When you think deep on this shit note that both ancient Kemet (ancient Egypt) and the Aztec, Mayan civilizations all had pyramids……
– That second pic shows just how deep this ish goes, with a Quetzalcoatl like dragon found in Southeast Asia ?
Even, I have seen Mexicans who look like Nubians, Egyptians (not like Olmecs) with the dark skin and all. There is one who has the Nubian-esque features of Grace Jones at the 99 cents store!
…Same exact eyes….
I’ve touched on this here:
The Difference Between Hebrew, Moor and Egyptian Black Americans
You can see the similarities…..
Not just that, I am reminded of how a dude on reddit spoke of a regular ole hispanic man, a janitor, having eyes that shapeshifted into aqua with reptilian slits…..
Looka my eyes…..
– See what I’m saying…..
There’s ways to get this archon shit off you. That is why I blog OBSESSIVELY about it. Ot’s so complexed, I mean even if you stop feeding it it will always be there, dormat. You gotta understand your energy body very well to understand what is a part of you and what isn’t and that takes being in tune with it.
When you find something foreign to your body use your third eye (if you see images no matter how vague when you close your eyes it means your third eye is open) then call on The Source energy to eradicate that shit!
That said, as expounded by the young couple above, to protect your energy from energy vampires you have to first understand your energy body then sorta dim it to keep folks from feeding off you. You have to go into a conscious state where you become conscious of the where your energy is exuding the most and sorta pull it in and block them people from taking it.
There was a lil hispanic dude in a black truck who was leering at me one time and when I consciously stopped him from trying to drain me he looked away and kept driving like nothing happened! It was so weird!
Also, heal! When your energy is blocked or leaking it attracts predators hence why folks with severe traumas in their past will just attract more predators cause they are unhealed and the leaking energy draws em.
My throat chakra is getting better cause I been working on it. I feel stronger and I don’t feel “as all over the place” as I used to!
Unhealed chakras also attract evil parasitic entities that will attach to you and bring more trauma into your life.
Heal to keep the energy vampires at bay. Also play 6000 hz frequency ??
CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon