Why You Should Not Get Advice From Spiritually Immature Spiritual Advisors

Why You Should Not Get Advice From Spiritually Immature Spiritual Advisors

Imma do a more indepth article on this… That said, yout got people who walk the walk… talk the talk… look the part yet, Don’t know the words to the song… Here is one such person (I can actually name two but I won’t go into depth HERE on this article). This is why TRUE spirituality is important, having wisdom so you can have an overriding overstanding of things so that on your way to your spiritual journey you won’t get sidetracked with petty little egos. This older woman here is but one example when you let open wounds –

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Niggeroach Organic Portals Sent To Throw Me Off On My Channel

Niggeroach Organic Portals Sent To Throw Me Off On My Channel

Here are but a few examples: This manly looking NIGGER-BITCH (or is it just a straight nigger) here named “Veronica Williamson” – more like VINCENT Williamson, amirite, lol (here her youtube): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCto2nF5lXLeDRQfanTbAd6w Here a close-up (Get ready to BARFF)! OOOOOWEEEE THAT’S AN UGLY BI- NIGGA! That CREATURE looks like a cross between a pooch dog and a rottweiler. THAT’S ONE UGLY NUGGA regardless of whether it’s a tranny or not. Call MrE: https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/06/all-this-every-celebrity-in-hollywood-is-a-tranny-bs-is-a-psyop/ or get Mag Ugly Troof on thus shyte! Here’s his channel btw, lol: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsAW6jB9hsm1WGJzYgMdzZg Anyways, as you can see above, that “thangs” has IT’S BREASTS out but

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Actual UFO Seen Over Miracle Mile

Actual UFO Seen Over Miracle Mile

HERE IS A SCREENSHOT! – Notice you don’t see a “wing” like an airplane would have where the other light is. THAT is a ufo (AND I had a hard time uploading the pic). As this article says: http://www.metatech.org/wp/reptilians/underground-city-reptilians-aliens-los-angeles/ …and here: http://cryptozoologynews.com/los-angeles-judge-turned-reptilian-humanoid-says-man/ LOS ANGELES IS THE REPTILIAN CAPITAL OF ‘MURICA! That’s why so many anomalous objects can ve SEEN over the Golden State (since so many inhabitants here actually hail from outerwordly places). Hell, a couple of days ago, when I rolled my eyes at an old woman, SHE HISSED AT ME! That said, what many may think are “airplanes”

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