How To DISABLE The Car Alarm on a Ford Mustang 2000

How To DISABLE The Car Alarm on a Ford Mustang 2000

Note it’s the blue and red (or whatever colour they come in your car) switch relays on top of the passenger fuse panel box: Now, this is a quick BUT IMPERFECT FIX if you’re looking to stop the bullshit with said alarm and keep it from fucking with your car – DRAINING YOUR BATTERY (As it did to me earlier since I got ENTITIES constantly fucking with it, turning it on and off) – and/or locking you out! THIS IS NOT A PERFECT FIX as it appears when I initially start it barely any fuel gets through BUT IT RUNS

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Tico Taco Spic and Span WETBACK BITCH Gets Pissed At My Being Topless CAUSE HER MAN IS AROUND

Tico Taco Spic and Span WETBACK BITCH Gets Pissed At My Being Topless CAUSE HER MAN IS AROUND

Shoulda told the bitch that I’m gay, I’m doing it for her, and that I’d lick her pussy REEEAL GOOD, TOO – Better than her man ever cod! Bet that bitch would like me then – but her man would be pissed! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30044″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here that license plate I mentioned I was gonna put ON BLAST!!!! I CAN’T STAND BITCHES! That’s why I couldn’t fuck with no female friends and the only ones I chilled with were like me and understood! WOMEN BE ON SOME STRAIGHT JEALOUSY SHIT!! Them latina hoez – wanna know

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Just as they did with Jesus Christ! Look at the big names he associated with! THOSE ARE BIG MODELING AGENCIES – as if they want me to be SEEN (objectified) but not heard! Just as Jesus was tempted by Darkness to partake in ALLL the jewels in the world, I TOLD YA THAT’S HOW THEY ARE GOING TO COME AT ME! Why else would he add me on linkedin? BUT I REJECT IT – VIOLENTLY! That said, in the age where EVERYTHING IS BEING REVEALED, HELLYWEIRD HAS NO PLACE TO GO BUT DOWN and I WANT NO PART OF IT!

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How Netflix Film Bright Reveals A Fear of The Coming Black Messiah

How Netflix Film Bright Reveals A Fear of The Coming Black Messiah

That was an AWESOME FUCKING MOVIE: Reminds me of the film, “End of Watch” SINCE THE DIRECTOR WAS THE SAME: Christopher Ayers! – Ya boy obsessed with cops, eh? Funny, I just noticed that “Bright” got 6.6 for reviews while “End of Watch” got 7.7 which correlates BIG in numerology: It means mastering both the material AND spiritual realms which “Bright” shows by maintaining our modern society as we know it to be with mythological characters: Also, it’s the same sequence of numbers which can be found on Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Thieme whom I talk about here: ‎

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