Weird Illuminati Freemason MK Ultra or Witchcraft Call

Weird Illuminati Freemason MK Ultra or Witchcraft Call

Here the recording: This was fucking weird! You can see he/she (listening to it I can’t tell WHAT it is) called at 4am, 4:07am to be approximate! As you can see up above, the person called from a private number (as if they got something to hide) and kept saying, “Caramel”, over and over… That said, if this were a prank, the person woulda kept calling and calling but they didn’t. That was the final and last call (at least for now). What do you all think? Someone trying to put a witch’s curse, some mk ultra sleeper “trigger” saying…?

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Reptilians Put A Death Curse On Me

Reptilians Put A Death Curse On Me

I recall after hearing a being in my car say in the jigsaw killer’s voice: “die” – I knew that what he said had to be true. They even came to a friend in another dream and used him as a conduit to threaten me. When I tried sending him a message, look at what happened (BARS WERE FULL before that!): He also told me he had a nightmare of them trying to steal my flourite since it protects ne and kidnapping my baby brother – Bryan – and holding him hostage in the astral. This mirrors what someone else

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MrE’s aka Mark Oliver Everett’s Channel Exposing Trannies Is A PsyOp

MrE’s aka Mark Oliver Everett’s Channel Exposing Trannies Is A PsyOp

I HATE TO SAY IT, BUT MrE AND MAG UGLY TRUTH MAYBE ON TO SOMETHING: Lookie here: THAT IS A FUCKING FEMALE – FTM!!! STRAIGHT UP FEMALE ALLL DAY EVERYDAY, LOL! Look at these vids here upclose and see how it us trying to be a woMAN: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”30056″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] LIKE I AIN’T EVER SEEN ONE! ROYAL. FUCKING. PSYOP!!! [purchase_link id=”30564″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] As I explain (but more so indepth) in the video, this bs plays off of people’s transphobia, homophobia and gets you focused on IRRELEVANT SHIT like whether some SELL-ebs are fucking

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