Nosey Bitches Calls The Cops To Fuck With Me LAPD DISSES THEIR ASSES

Nosey Bitches Calls The Cops To Fuck With Me LAPD DISSES THEIR ASSES

Let me get this DUMB SHIT out the way cause I got more IMPORTANT spiritual shit to expose.

Anyways, what was it? Friday night, people at this house here:

Were talking shit while I was talking with an acquainteance over the phone. That said, as soon as I came over and CONFRONTED the two sister LORD ASSES, they became quiet as church mouses and ran back inside, asking me some stupid shit like, “Do you need help” AFTER BEING CONFRONTED! This ain’t the first time some shit like this has happened (I recall someone from atop the building at “public storage” was dropping rocks I felt in my direction as it seemed):

I let them know I was in charge. I later taped some of it so I can protect myself in case of false accusations.

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I turned out to be correct….

Officer Koop came by – very nice person – and assuaged the situation. He let em know I wasn’t gonna hurt em – blah, blah blah (I overheard) and I even hugged him. Very nice person who seems to be kind to homeless people. Back before when I had an apartment I recall copwatching him twice and he was very benevolent and understanding to a lil Korean lady who “commandeered” a house cause she homeless – something I thought hardly happens but ALOT out here:

But anyways he coulda thrown her in jail as was done to one lady in Malibu by the Los Angeles Lost Hills sheriffs – but Officer Koop let her go!

That said, people need to stop being nosey and just mind their own business. I always felt if someone ain’t fucking with YOUUU, don’t fuck with them!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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