Vision of An Older Russian Spirit Rape Victim Who Can’t Rest

Vision of An Older Russian Spirit Rape Victim Who Can’t Rest

While sleeping out in my car in beautiful Malibu – I had the following vision…

Here are some pictures of orbs…

That looks like an angel and here it is up close…

Note the blue flippers at the end and circular, light wings… MAN I got alot of lil positive spirits, protecting me…

Here is one of a yellow orb. This is not the first time I have seen this orb and out here. That said, here it is lying on the ground. Based on where this is and how THICK IT IS DIMEMSIONALLY YOU KNOW THIS ISN’T NO SUN RAY!


Here’s a prettier and BETTER picture:

Last night, I “dreamed” I somehow moved onto a cargo ship to work – it was me and some other ladies and there was a black dude on hand to act chef! That said, the black dude who seemed like he “ran” it had some “weird expectations” that tho. he never articulated it, I could sense what was on the horizon! That said, all the while I had a Russian lady who seemed to be “attached” to me who felt like I could right her wrong (all throughout the night I was thinking of a rape case and maybe that energy attracted her to me since now I am REALLY learning about the REAL law of attraction). Anyways, I recall at one point she gave me this scroll looking note (it looked like it was written down on a cloth based thing) and it had those Greek type designs like this down below:


Anyways, she spoke of having been raped by sailors, of how when she was hired by the ship’s former owner (I am guessing as a young woman in the 1920s is what I sensed cause the lady looked real old – like 40 but much older than her age – like 50, big woman as if she had had alot of kids, with that “Beatles” bowl type hair and she looked and dressed like alot of orthodox Jewish women do with the bowl wig – now that I think about it, that mighta been yiddish she gave me and she mighta been Russian Jewish!), she was told that she would have to “clean up after them.” At some point, they gang raped her and – this is sick to say – “pass her around” (it sounds so inhuman to say that) like she wasn’t shit while yelling, “Hellas” – the Greek word for “Greece.” Anywayz, I woke up!

When I came to, see, I had been fucking with this ghost app for quite some time and… I wonder if it had something to do with that vision in somehow making me more amenable to ghosts cause where I usually sleep out of at is Miracle Mile which has a large Hassidic or is it orthodox – I dunno – Jewish population so I wonder if it is some spirit that attached itself to me or is it just coincidentally cause I’m parked in Malibu it was a “local spirit” over here cause I am at the sea…

Anyways, I dunno but whatever it is some Jewish grandmother on the otherside can’t rest till she gets justice!

Hope she ain’t attached to me…

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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