BEST EVIDENCE of Shadow People or Lost Souls Ever Captured on Tape

BEST EVIDENCE of Shadow People or Lost Souls Ever Captured on Tape

Could this be an image of purgatory, a time loop, or simply what is known as “shadow people” traveling through…

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It is said that ghosts, entities can be seen above a certain light spectrum and in the case of cellphones and esp. in certain areas of strong spiritual energy AND with light (for certain entities close to our realm) you can capture them on tape, too, AND with the naked eye…

Anyways, I as well as others have always felt Miracle Mile in L.A. was some sort of “waystation”, purgatory if you will for lost souls, kinda reminiscient of this old episide of “Tales From the Darkside”, “The Last Car (gotta watch it!)” where a young lady who doesn’t think she’s dead ends up taking a train THAT NEVER STOPS and continues to “loop” around, like a time loop, replaying shit with the same ole occupants, neverstopping, never ending…

THIS is what THEY most probably see on the other side…
This her REEAL form…


This could be the case with these entities here in which they are merely spirits, lost souls, caught in their own realities, entrapped by how they died (hence Earthbound spirits) and so end up UNWITTINGLY repeating their “own” version of hell in which they can’t move on… thereby doomed to repeat what they were subject to – pain, emotions, addictions – for possibly allll eternity!

Hell (pun intended) I recall once when my third eye was WIDE OPEN, I caught a glimpse of some of these souls – one young lady wearing an all spandex outfit a la alot like that young lady, Olivia Newton-John, in that rather cheesy 80’s video, “Let’s Get Physical”):

They let this nigga with Double D’s go topless but wouldn’t let me…

That said, the woman I saw was a tall, leggy blonde with her hair wrapped in a pony tail who wore a sky blue spandex tank top, pink belt (which was stylish for that time) and long blue spandex leggings! She looked at me with a stern look and I wonder to this day who the fuck she was! I saw a dude who looked like that handsome 80’s actor, Thom Matthews (I had a crush on him as a kid) and he was in “Night of the Living Dead” back in the 80’s, wearing a similar outfit to what you see here and all…

It’s the dude wearing the red jacket!

Actually, looking at that outfit, the dude I saw – and he would come into my mind’s eye the same way my artistic visions do – letting me know that world is real – was wearing a trucker’s outfit complete with light lumberjack shirt, plaid, and a trucker’s hat, with blonde hair and looked like Detective Schumaker! I also saw former neighbor’s – a light skinned full figured black woman and a I believe gay black man who is always stately dressed in Afrikan garb – WHO ARE ALIVE!!!

That said, I don’t know their purpose or why they’re around me! That said, I have had many supernatural experiences all throughout my life, which you can see down below:



Brace yourselves for this… this is a picture of a WHITE WALL TAKEN BACK IN MY OLD APARTMENT IN WORCESTER, MASS:

You can see arms, legs, face in that mug. To this DAY, that’s my best pic showing proof of a spirit world! THE BEST!!

Here’s links showing more exoeriences with entities and so forth, esp. in my old apartment with the big one being the “shushing” entity as I called him: and here:

I have always felt miracle mile in Los Angeles was a waystation somewhat for ghosts, spirits and entities to pass through. I recall seeing once out my window a man who seemed to have “no control” over his limbs, moving as if a giant fan was pushing him! He looked like a drunk, a lost soul! I recall also seeing an entity that looked over similar to “slenderman” walk past my window, too, looking like a very distorted humanoid (I also recall after doing a ritual hearing something REEAL BIG AND HUGE knock on my window “3 times”). I have had alot of interesting spiritual experiences while living in my old apartment. Needless to say, based on what I have seen in the dreamscape – I feel as someone else noted that there is a “spirit” that likes to capture souls and keep em here as “pets” kinda similar to what you saw in “Insidious 3” with how the demon had that girl chained like she was a dog in the Miracle Mile area. Many souls sadly – as explained to me by Veritas Entrepreneurship of Ma’at about the spirit world – those babies, children you hear about in #pizzagate who are being sacrificed to a “deity” aka Moloch NEVER escape that torment, instead becoming batteries for that demonic monster on the other side. I fear that thos may be the case for many who have fallen to esp. the “6th and Hauser curse” where many traffic accidents – some fatal – occur (which if you are familiar with Voodoo) means alot of demons in that area. I recall a beloved neighbor fell to that fate in 2015 may he rest in peace and he was always sweet) and another BEAUTIFUL LADY – Good soul – in 2010 (when I first moved). Hell, there was a murder that occurred in the Preston in 2001 in which a man with a great job, NO CRIMINAL HISTORY, just up and murdered a family and HE COULD NOT REMEMBER – which is symptomatic of demonic possession/ oppression. Here is a link to the story:

I think there’s something that “gets” into people so they can do harm and claim souls…

I know even non spiritually noninclined people feel it’s a waystation for souls and spirits to travel through and that is just what the video at the beginning shows…

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.