Are Aliens The Cause Behind The Solar Eclipse of 2017

Are Aliens The Cause Behind The Solar Eclipse of 2017

According to Google, yes: Many youtubers suspected that this artifical “solar eclipse” WAS CAUSED BY ALIENS AS THIS VIDEO HERE TALKS ABOUT: And as this videos SHOW HERE: 6 months ago, back in Feb. 2017 – interestingly – a MOTHERSHIP ufo attempted to beam light into the sun’s corona to do God knows what: Here are vids talking about how UFO’s appeared around the time of the Solar Eclipse (watch the other videos following this that speak of alien attacks to get a gravity of the situation): This video here directly states THEY CAUSE EM: This one exposes (via way

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Solar Eclipse 2017 And The Big Consciousness Shift

Solar Eclipse 2017 And The Big Consciousness Shift

I think THIS is what they talk about when they talk about the “rapture” which really = heightened level of consciousness, consciousness shift! I SWEAR while meditating (hell, throughout the entire duration of the three days, starting from when I had my 2ND PERIOD THIS MONTH after having a dream about “Beelzebub” using a gynecological specculum to open my vagina up and then a day later “inexplicably” having my 2nd period which only increased my psychic abilities – and had me seeing shit – in combined conjunction with the Solar Eclipse of 2017) my fucking consciousness increased ten fold, which

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