Society is shit and I expose it!

Tarot Reading on Youtube Actorvist Gavin Seim: The Cartels Are Gonna Get You

Tarot Reading on Youtube Actorvist Gavin Seim: The Cartels Are Gonna Get You

This mofo gonna get ran out ????? Many viewers have been warning this fool that he will be getting the attention of the cartels for acting up in Me-Hi-co (as he pronounces it) thinking he can pull the same shit he pulled on US cops – who are bound by law and order – unlike Messy-co which is lawless and orderless and is ran by power hungry cartels, much akin to Syria and every other war torn place: – He lucky he didn’t get shot ??‍♀️ His wife and kids left his ass high and dry cause they know what’s

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DO NOT Bring Your Toxic Ass Relationship Insecurity Energies Around Me

DO NOT Bring Your Toxic Ass Relationship Insecurity Energies Around Me

I can sense they were fucking around (after seeing my vids)….. They soooo quwetee ??? I can’t stand this…..    And esp. this right here…..  Here is their license plate number:  Amber03 it is spelled! I had to ‘woke these two esp. the nigger cause they coming around with this energy of leering at me like I am a zoo animal (yes I can sense that motherfucker and will let you know) and think they can treat me like the trash they threw down on the ground – the trash they are with the nigger saying

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White Supremacist Stalker Gets ‘Woked

White Supremacist Stalker Gets ‘Woked

Look at his smug face….. – A dude, Mexican dude I talked to said he saw him stalking 3 young Mexican GIRLS – no more than 15, 16 years old on the sand! He felt because he is white he is entitled to my body…. a while back he even called me “nigger” cause I didn’t want him….. Now he’s ‘woked I profiled him here: How The Reptilians Try To Pair You With Controlled People To Control You And here: How Aliens Can Manipulate Your Life

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Why You Need To Call Toxic People Out Even If It Brings Conflict At A Happy Event

Why You Need To Call Toxic People Out Even If It Brings Conflict At A Happy Event

I have come along way. I have build myself up, pulled myself energetically, spiritually by the boot straps. I have come far and my blog is documentation for that. That being said, I have come to a point where I have NO PROBLEM with cutting ties with – and breaking bonds with – toxic mofos who mean you harm. I no longer second guess myself. I no longer sacrifice MY inner peace for the sake of protecting others from experiencing tumultuous conflict with BULLIES! I own my experiences. I own the truth and I will tell and act as the

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Show Out For Cookie Tookie on August 9 2021 At The Van Nuys Courthouse

Show Out For Cookie Tookie on August 9 2021 At The Van Nuys Courthouse

Her situation is terribly sad and – as I have recognised with myself – she is STRONGLY caught up in the grip of demons hence why it is next. to difficult. for her to quit the insidious cycle of addiction and self destructive behaviors. Here she is crying out for help: Here she is for lack of a better word acting cracked out – with in one case a sissy fahjay (fag) making fun of her….. Poor Cookie….. Her situation is sad and tho. my case isn’t extreme I been there…… I’ll say this…. take naltrexone….. I peep it’s been

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Racist Wannabe White Wetback Attacks Young Black Man For Saying He Wanna Date His Daughter

Racist Wannabe White Wetback Attacks Young Black Man For Saying He Wanna Date His Daughter

Gotta put this up everytime it’s a post on a Messy-can(T): IF YOU SEE THIS ILLEGAL WETBACK ASS CHOLO WALKING AROUND, PLEASE CALL I.C.E. AT 1-866-347-2423 I got I.C.E. on speed dial ?? This is why I keep my foot on their asses ???…… – His daughter looked like an old ugly fucking witch….. And to thibk the balloon snorting lil uncle tom sellout nigglet here wanted to hurt me (nothing happened contrary to what they said) for calling one of his “friends” who abandonded him after he nearly died from ✊? ‘woke I put on his black ass justifiably

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